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SQL_ID is just a fancy representation of hash value | Tanel Poder Consulting #11

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

SQL_ID is just a fancy representation of hash value | Tanel Poder Consulting


ibre5041 commented 3 years ago
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.MessageDigest;

 * Compute SQL_ID for SQL string 
 * @author Ivan Brezina(ibre5041)
class OracleUtils {
     * Try to replace JDBC question marks with Oracle bind variables
     * Implement very simple Oracle Lexer
     * Handle: Single Quoted Strings, Double Quoted Strings, Perl Style Quoted Strings, Single Line Comments, Multi line comments
    static class Lexer {
        int bindNumber = 1;
        int position = 0;
        String stmt;
        StringBuffer out;

        Lexer(String stmt) {
            this.stmt = stmt;
            this.out = new StringBuffer(stmt.length() + 64);

        char peek() {
            if (position < stmt.length()) {
                return stmt.charAt(position);
            return (char)0;

        char peekNext() {
            if (position+1 < stmt.length()) {
                return stmt.charAt(position+1);
            return (char)0;         

        char take() {
            char r = peek();
            return r;

         * Fetch Double quoted string from input: "abc"
        void consumeDQString() {
            out.append(take()); // '"'
            while (peek() != (char)0) {
                if (peek() == '"') {
                } else {

         * Fetch Single quoted string from input: 'abc' '''a'''
        void consumeSQString() {
            out.append(take()); // '\''
            while (peek() != (char)0) {
                if (peek() == '\'' && peekNext() != '\'') { // End of String was found
                    out.append(take()); // '\''
                } else if (peek() == '\'' && peekNext() == '\'') { // Double apostrophe was found in String -> continue consuming
                    out.append(take()); // '\''
                    out.append(take()); // '\''
                } else {

         * Fetch Perl style quoted string
         * q'#Oracle's quote operator#'
         * q'[Oracle's quote operator]'
        void consumePQString() {
            out.append(take()); // 'q'
            out.append(take()); // "'"

            if (peek() == (char)0) {

            char stopMark = take();
            out.append(stopMark); // '[' '#'
            if (stopMark == '<') { stopMark = '>'; }
            if (stopMark == '{') { stopMark = '}'; }
            if (stopMark == '[') { stopMark = ']'; }
            if (stopMark == '(') { stopMark = ')'; }

            while (peek() != (char)0) {
                if (peek() == stopMark && peekNext() == '\'') { // End of String was found ]'
                    out.append(take()); // ]
                    out.append(take()); // '
                } else {


         * Fetch Single-line comment: -- abc \r\n 
        void consumeSLComment() {
            out.append(take()); // '-'
            out.append(take()); // '-'
            while (peek() != (char)0) {
                if (peek() == '\n' || peek() == '\r') {
                } else {

         * Fetch Multi-line comment
        void consumeMLComment() {
            out.append(take()); // '/'
            out.append(take()); // '*'
            while (peek() != (char)0) {
                if (peek() == '*' && peekNext() == '/') {
                    out.append(take()); // '*'
                    out.append(take()); // '/'
                } else {


         * Fetch JDBC style bind variable placeholder, and replace it with enumerated one  
        void consumeBind() {
            take(); // '?'
            out.append(String.valueOf(' ')); // every named bind has to be followed by space - just for sure

         * Fetch any other character 
        void consumeCharacter() {

         * Process whole SQL string through primitive Lexer. Return transformed SQL
         * @return Transformed SQL, having '?' replaced with enumerated Binds
        public String getRevisedSql() {
            /* Iterate through whole input SQL */
            while (peek() != (char)0) {
                switch (peek()) {
                // Double quoted string was found
                case '"':

                    // Single quoted string was found
                case '\'':

                    // Perl style string was found - or just pure character
                case 'q':
                case 'Q':
                    if (peekNext() == '\'') {
                    } else {

                    // Single-line comment was found - or just pure dash 
                case '-':
                    if (peekNext() == '-') {
                    } else {

                    // Double-line comment was found - or just pure slash
                case '/':
                    if (peekNext() == '*') {
                    } else {

                    // Bind variable was found - but outside String or Comment
                case '?':

                    // Match any other character


            return out.toString();

     * Compute sqlid for a statement, the same way as Oracle does
     * http://www.slaviks-blog.com/2010/03/30/oracle-sql_id-and-hash-value/
     * https://blog.tanelpoder.com/2009/02/22/sql_id-is-just-a-fancy-representation-of-hash-value/
     * @param stmt - SQL string without trailing 0x00 Byte
     * @return sql_id as computed by Oracle
    private static String SQL_ID(String stmt)
        String result = "(sql_id)";

            // compute MD5 sum from SQL string - including trailing 0x00 Byte
            byte[] message  = (stmt).getBytes("utf8");
            byte[] bytesMessage = new byte[message.length+1];
            System.arraycopy(message, 0, bytesMessage, 0, message.length);      
            MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
            byte[] b = md.digest(bytesMessage);

            // most significant unsigned int
            long val_msb = (((b[11] & 0xff) * 0x100 + (b[10] & 0xff)) * 0x100 + (b[9] & 0xff))  * 0x100 + (b[8] & 0xff);
            val_msb = Integer.toUnsignedLong((int)val_msb);

            // least significant unsigned int
            long val_lsb = (((b[15] & 0xff) * 0x100 + (b[14] & 0xff)) * 0x100 + (b[13] & 0xff)) * 0x100 + (b[12] & 0xff);
            val_lsb = Integer.toUnsignedLong((int)val_lsb);

            // Java does not have unsigned long long, use BigInteger as bite array      
            BigInteger sqln = BigInteger.valueOf(val_msb);
            sqln = sqln.shiftLeft(32);
            sqln = sqln.add(BigInteger.valueOf(val_lsb));

            // Compute Base32, take 13x 5bits
            char alphabet [] = new String("0123456789abcdfghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz").toCharArray();
            result = ""; 
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) // max sql_id length is 13 chars, 13 x 5 => 65bits most significant is always 0
                int idx = sqln.and(BigInteger.valueOf(31)).intValue();
                result = alphabet[idx] + result;
                sqln = sqln.shiftRight(5);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return result;

    static String getSqlID(String originalSql) {
        OracleUtils.Lexer l = new OracleUtils.Lexer(originalSql);
        String actutalSql = l.getRevisedSql();                  
        return SQL_ID(actutalSql);

    static String getRevisedSql(String originalSql) {
        OracleUtils.Lexer l = new OracleUtils.Lexer(originalSql);
        return l.getRevisedSql();

     * Iterate over Exceptions causes. 
     * Try to find nested exception of type "oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException" without importing this class 
     * Call getSql/getOriginalSql on it
     * @param Throwable exception to scan
     * @return SQL string which failed
     * Works with Oracle JDBC drivers 12.2 and higher
    public static String sqlFromException(Throwable t)
        try {
            int depth = 0;
            while(t != null)
                if(depth++ > 5)
                Class<?> tClass = t.getClass();
                if (tClass.getName() != "oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException")
                    t = t.getCause();
                for (Method m : tClass.getMethods()) {
                    if (m.getName().equals("getSql")) {
                        String sql  = m.invoke(t).toString();
                        return sql;
                t = t.getCause(); //never reached       
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } finally {
        return null;

lcdsantos1310 commented 3 years ago

Why there's not SQL_IDs starting with "h" and higher?

In another words:


tanelpoder commented 2 years ago

Hi @lcdsantos1310, this is because the max integer value (stored in 64 bits) won't need to go higher than "g" as the leading most significant "digit" in BASE-32. But the digits coming after, in less significant positions, will still need to go up to z.

tanelpoder commented 2 years ago

Hi @ibre5041, I missed this comment earlier, nice tool! Just curious, where do you use it?

ibre5041 commented 2 years ago

I tried to convince our developer that - as a DBA - I do not need fragments of SQL being logged by application. If application logs SQL_ID it is more more useful than first n characters of SQL statement.

Moreover there is new feature introduced in Hibernate - log slow running SQLs. So mine idea has to extend Hibernate with custom logger, so I could put into application log these: REST API call, stacktrace, and SQL_ID. So I could provide devs information which SQL is slow and why. And devs could identify piece of source code which calls this generated SQL. Which is usually very hard for devs to identify piece of code which calls excessive SQL.

Unfortunately the pull request for Hibernate is was never merged. And by default Hibernate calls and prints OracleStatement.toString() which does not return any useful information.

https://vladmihalcea.com/hibernate-slow-query-log/ https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13741

ibre5041 commented 2 years ago

Here it is described as Hibernate feature request: https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HHH-13888

tanelpoder commented 2 years ago

Nice - thanks for letting me know :-) What's the license of the code you pasted above, I may want to use it sometimes for geeking out :-)