tanepiper / SublimeText-Nodejs

nodejs snippets and bindings for Sublime Text 3
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Certain completions not appearing #69

Closed rkpatel33 closed 6 years ago

rkpatel33 commented 7 years ago

Certain completions do not show up in the popup box, in particular, console.log from the Nodejs.sublime-completions file. Not sure what could be interfering with it, any suggestions on tracking it down? Seems most of the other ones do complete based on a random sampling of them.


File name is requests-test.js and Sublime syntax is JavaScript Next.

  "trigger": "console.log();",
  "contents": "log();$0"
varp commented 7 years ago

Accepted. Thx 😊

varp commented 7 years ago

@rkpatel33 I'm planning to do grand refactor of the code. Be patient, please.

rkpatel33 commented 7 years ago

Ok cool. Thanks for letting me know.

varp commented 7 years ago

@rkpatel33 Did you install JavaScript Next syntax from a package? Could you give a link to it?

rkpatel33 commented 7 years ago

Yes I have that installed. I'm not sure what you meant by giving a link to it, do you want to path to it on my local machine?

varp commented 7 years ago

No, I don't need a path on your local machine. If you installed it by PackageControl, could you find it on the packagecontrol.io and give me a link to it? I can guess that you've installed that one - JavaScript Next? But that package has a MISSING status... No one can install it anymore!

rkpatel33 commented 7 years ago

Oh wow. Ok I'll try to get it to you later. But FYI I just switched over to VS Code today and it's like a dream for node development. I commited a couple hours to getting up on it and I think I'm off sublime text for good :)

varp commented 6 years ago

Resolved in the refactor branch