tanersener / mobile-ffmpeg

FFmpeg for Android, iOS and tvOS. Not maintained anymore. Superseded by FFmpegKit.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.85k stars 787 forks source link

Cant Create Video with Image #679

Closed Jigneshpf closed 3 years ago

Jigneshpf commented 3 years ago

Description Hello, I want to replace green color with image in video template. But i cant get proper output video. I used below command for it I already upload a video template and i want to add image for specific area. If anyone have an idea then please share with me.

("-i&" + Activity_Progress.this.y + "&-i&" + Activity_Progress.file_path + "&-filter_complex&[0:v]scale=480x800,setdar=3:5,colorkey=0x00d900:0.4:0.3[ckout];[1:v]scale=" + 480 + "x" + 800 + ",setdar=3:5[bg];[bg][ckout]overlay[out]&-map&[out]&" + Activity_Progress.outputPath).split("&");



subhantariq33 commented 3 years ago

Android 10 When creating images to Video It failed i have checked everything: Please help

I have same issue my FFMPEG command is: [-y, -r, 1/2, -i, slide_%05d.jpg, -vcodec, libx264, -r, 2, -pix_fmt, yuv420p, -preset, ultrafast, /video_25_02_2021_17_53_17.mp4]