tanersener / react-native-ffmpeg

FFmpeg for react-native. Not maintained anymore. Superseded by FFmpegKit.
GNU General Public License v3.0
400 stars 51 forks source link

warning`new NativeEventEmitter()` was called with a non-null argument without the required `addListener` method. - RN 0.65 #264

Closed claudiozam closed 3 years ago

claudiozam commented 3 years ago


After calling RNFFmpeg.execute(".........") the lib throws a warning / error related to NativeEventEmitter

Expected behavior

No warning / error after calling RNFFmpeg.execute(".........")





WARN new NativeEventEmitter() was called with a non-null argument without the required addListener method. Loading react-native-ffmpeg.


react: 17.0.2 react Native: 0.65.1 react-native-ffmpeg: 0.5.1 Device: Samsung S10 / Samsung S20 / Android Emulator OS: Android 11


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tanersener commented 3 years ago

I don' have a clue what is wrong there. react-native-ffmpeg-test repository uses RN 0.65.1 with no issues.

claudiozam commented 3 years ago

Yes, react-native-ffmpeg-test repository RN 0.65.1 with no issues. Ok, i will review my code again. With RN 0.64.X no problem. Thanks!!!.

claudiozam commented 3 years ago

@tanersener add required stubs for react-native 0.65


    public void addListener(String eventName) {
        // Keep: Required for RN built in Event Emitter Calls.

    public void removeListeners(Integer count) {
        // Keep: Required for RN built in Event Emitter Calls.

These are needed to avoid console warnings about NativeEventEmitter being created without the required native module implementations

tanersener commented 3 years ago

These are needed to avoid console warnings about NativeEventEmitter being created without the required native module implementations

Sorry, but I don't follow. In order to take an action about this issue, first we must agree that something is not right in the current implementation. My tests with RN 0.65 on react-native-test were successful, I don't get those warnings. Therefore I don't see a reason to make a change at the moment. Am I missing something?

claudiozam commented 3 years ago

@tanersener you are 100% right. But your testing app does not interact with external libs like flipper or react-native-image-crop-picker.

Please check this

https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/114be1d2170bae2d29da749c07b45acf931e51e2 https://github.com/facebook/flipper/issues/2707

Thanks for your help and your project!!!

claudiozam commented 3 years ago


diff --git a/node_modules/react-native-ffmpeg/android/src/main/java/com/arthenica/reactnative/RNFFmpegModule.java b/node_modules/react-native-ffmpeg/android/src/main/java/com/arthenica/reactnative/RNFFmpegModule.java
index a394f46..b71bdd8 100644
--- a/node_modules/react-native-ffmpeg/android/src/main/java/com/arthenica/reactnative/RNFFmpegModule.java
+++ b/node_modules/react-native-ffmpeg/android/src/main/java/com/arthenica/reactnative/RNFFmpegModule.java
@@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ public class RNFFmpegModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {
         return "RNFFmpegModule";

+    @ReactMethod
+    public void addListener(String eventName) {
+        // Keep: Required for RN built in Event Emitter Calls.
+    }
+    @ReactMethod
+    public void removeListeners(Integer count) {
+        // Keep: Required for RN built in Event Emitter Calls.
+    }
     public void getPlatform(final Promise promise) {
         final String abi = AbiDetect.getAbi();
tanersener commented 3 years ago

So, you say that if an application uses flipper or react-native-image-crop-picker, then all other plugins must implement addListener, removeListener methods to use them under RN 0.65.0. But not flipper or react-native-image-crop-picker themselves. It's fine if they don have addListener, removeListener methods, right? Because they are not implementing them at the moment.

tanersener commented 3 years ago

Anyway, it is fixed in the new release. Hope it will resolve the issues for you.

claudiozam commented 3 years ago

Thanks @tanersener!!!!

jabirabbas commented 2 years ago

@tanersener this issue is not resolved for iOS in react-native 0.65. Request you to kindly check and update the repo.


tanersener commented 2 years ago

@jabirabbas Alright, can you provide the steps to reproduce it? I'm using react-native-ffmpeg-test to test and I don't see any errors on 0.65.1.