tanghaibao / goatools

Python library to handle Gene Ontology (GO) terms
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Request: add methods to convert DAGs to networkx graphs #206

Closed AoifeHughes closed 3 weeks ago

AoifeHughes commented 3 years ago


I made a quick and dirty edit to allow for this: https://github.com/SirSharpest/goatools/commit/40be859be38f1d58978ebf454bf30006f7530840

For analysis and plotting of graphs networkx is often used, I beleive it would be useful for goatools to have the ability built in to export to and from networkx.

Perhaps this functionality is already possible, I was not able to find it in documentation.

Either way, I would be happy to integrate this properly and make a pull request if it would be of interest.

tanghaibao commented 3 years ago


Thank you. This will be a great contribution.

We do have some similar graph capabilities at this point. Would you mind taking a look at obo_parser.GODag.make_graph_pydot and .make_graph_pygraphviz, and see if you could add your method along with those?

Otherwise, please feel free to just create a pull request ... and we'll try to merge this in.

tanghaibao commented 3 years ago


Just noticed that your method is on GODagSmall so my previous suggestion (to modify GODag) doesn't apply. cc @dvklopfenstein to see what the best approach is here but it feels like we can extract your graph conversion as a method on GODagSmall.

dvklopfenstein commented 3 years ago

Hello @SirSharpest ,

Returning a networkx graph object containing significant GO terms is a great idea.

Rather than using the OboToGoDagSmall, which only accounts for connections up the is_a relationship, use GoSugDag, which will make it easier to expand in the future. It would look like this:

from goatools.gosubdag.gosubdag import GoSubDag
from goatools.gosubdag.go_edges import get_edgesobj

goids = [o.GO for o in goea_results if o.p_fdr_bh <= sig]
gosubdag = GoSubDag(goids, godag)
objedges = get_edgesobj(gosubdag)
edges = [(parent, child) for child, parent in objedges.edges]

The godag is a GODag object, which would need to be a new argument ot your function, GOs_to_nx.

To ensure a successful experience for people using your code, please:

And if users have questions on your new code, you are willing to support it?

Thanks so much for the good idea and for the code.