tangjiapeng / SA-ConvONet

ICCV2021 Oral SA-ConvONet: Sign-Agnostic Optimization of Convolutional Occupancy Networks
MIT License
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scannet.yaml #2

Closed BingCS closed 2 years ago

BingCS commented 2 years ago

Hi Jiapeng,

Could you please send me the evaluation setting on Scannet (scannet.yaml)?

Many thanks in advance!

Best, Bing

tangjiapeng commented 2 years ago

Hi Bing,

Thanks for your reaching out.

The evaluation setting for Scannet is same as that of Synthetic Indoor Room. The only difference between scannet.yaml and room_grid64.yaml is the dataset path.

I have released the scannet.yaml just now. Please check it. Hope it can help you!

Best, Jiapeng

BingCS commented 2 years ago

Great! Many thanks.