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[TASK] Improve Bridge Card Display #132

Closed monaiuu closed 1 year ago

monaiuu commented 1 year ago


The goal of this task is to improve the overall look and feel, as well as the structure of input components of the bridge control cards.

monaiuu commented 1 year ago

Please reference below for the options for improved layout:

Wireframes: https://www.figma.com/proto/wQulr8fTsVqWvFk17QWdhu/%F0%9F%8C%81--Bridge-UI-v2?page-id=141%3A59319&node-id=141-63199&viewport=1801%2C172%2C0.56&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=141%3A61912&show-proto-sidebar=1

Prototypes: https://www.figma.com/proto/wQulr8fTsVqWvFk17QWdhu/%F0%9F%8C%81--Bridge-UI-v2?page-id=141%3A59319&node-id=141-59321&viewport=1801%2C172%2C0.56&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=141%3A59321&show-proto-sidebar=1



monaiuu commented 1 year ago


Further improvements are required based on feedback. I will proceed with analyzing feedback and make further improvements based on the above options.