tangrams / bubble-wrap

Bubble Wrap basemap style
MIT License
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Add interactive to other mz layers #249

Closed tallytalwar closed 7 years ago

tallytalwar commented 7 years ago

Added interactive for the following mz sdk layers:

While updating the mapzen android sdk to use latest tangram-es release, @sarahlensing and I found that we need to have interactivity set for custom MapData. We already had this for point data layers, but will also make sense for polygon and polyline data layers. Along with that I think it does make sense to have interactivity set for mz_current_location_gem.

Along with this it might make sense to have interactive set for mz_route_line, mz_route_line_dash, mz_route_line_transit to provide functionality of user picking one of multiple routes. (This has a dependency currently on valhalla functionality, I think we do not have valhalla functionality to get multiple routes). Also maybe have it set for mz_route_transit_stop, again dependent on valhalla functionality. I have not made any changes for this in this PR.

@nvkelso I am not sure how you propagate these to different variants of a style sheet. Let me know if its manual, then will update other bubble-wrap variant yaml files. Will also file a PR for other house styles once we have a consensus here.

With respect to using this in the upcoming version of android and ios sdk, me and @sarahlensing were thinking if we can have a patched release of 7.0.1 with these changes. @nvkelso thoughts on this?

nvkelso commented 7 years ago

@tallytalwar Thanks for the correction. All these styles used to have interactive: true set a while ago, then we removed that to improve performance, but that was too aggressive for these styles.

For packaging – Just make PRs for the "default" Github repo (not the *-more-labels or *-no-labels variants, those are built manually right now from the default base)