tangrams / cinnabar-style

Colorful cartography for that classic look
MIT License
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duplicated filter #55

Open matkoniecz opened 6 years ago

matkoniecz commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/tangrams/cinnabar-style/blob/gh-pages/cinnabar-style.yaml#L850 https://github.com/tangrams/cinnabar-style/blob/gh-pages/cinnabar-style.yaml#L851

https://github.com/tangrams/cinnabar-style/blob/gh-pages/cinnabar-style.yaml#L888 https://github.com/tangrams/cinnabar-style/blob/gh-pages/cinnabar-style.yaml#L889

first line is completely useless an second has smaller requirement

not sure what is the intended meaning - delete first/second line? Decrement all z-levels from lowest to first duplicated? Increment all from first duplicated to highest?

matkoniecz commented 6 years ago

Also, not sure is it available but filtering by displayed area rather than real area would be probably more readable and less error prone - like at https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/blob/master/water.mss#L322