tanguyantoine / react-native-music-control

Display and manage media controls on lock screen and notification center for iOS and Android.
MIT License
697 stars 264 forks source link

IOS background mode Play pause controls are disabled but seek bar is moving. #413

Open singhiam opened 1 year ago

singhiam commented 1 year ago


import React, { Component, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, Animated, Platform, StyleSheet, TouchableOpacity, View, } from 'react-native'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import Video from 'react-native-video'; import { withTheme } from 'styled-components'; import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux'; import { TFunction, withTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import MusicControl, { Command } from 'react-native-music-control'

import RewindBtn from './components/RewindBtn/RewindBtn'; import MainBtn from '../_common/buttons/MainBtn/MainBtn'; import PlayBtn from '../_common/buttons/_player/PlayBtn/PlayBtn'; import PlayerSlider from './components/PlayerSlider/PlayerSlider'; import PauseBtn from '../_common/buttons/_player/PauseBtn/PauseBtn'; import DecreaseBtn from '../_common/buttons/_player/DecreaseBtn/DecreaseBtn'; import IncreaseBtn from '../_common/buttons/_player/IncreaseBtn/IncreaseBtn';

import { getActivity } from '../../redux/actions/user';

import { getData } from '../../querys'; import { getFormattedDuration } from '../../helpers/timeHelpers';

import { ITheme } from '../../theme/types/themeTypes'; import { IMeditation } from '../../types/meditationTypes'; import { getItems } from '../../redux/actions/app';

const RN_FS = require('react-native-fs');

export interface Props { app: any; network: any; user: any; data: IMeditation; t: TFunction; theme: ITheme; dispatch: any; active: boolean; download: boolean; courseId?: number; scrollBottom: () => void; }

const AudioController = (props: Props) => { let player: any;

const [pause, setPause] = useState(true); const [muted, setMuted] = useState(false); const [loader, setLoader] = useState(false); const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false); const [left, setLeft] = useState('--:--'); const [totalLength, setTotalLength] = useState(1); const [activity_id, setActivity_id] = useState(''); const [show_loader, setShowLoader] = useState(true); const [currentPosition, setCurrentPosition] = useState(0); const [loaded_for_ios, setLoadedforIos] = useState(false); const [totalLengthFormat, setTotalLengthFormat] = useState('00:00'); const [currentTimeFormat, setCurrentTimeFormat] = useState('00:00'); const [file, setFile] = useState(''); const [fadeAnim, setFadeAnim] = useState(new Animated.Value(0)); const [marginTopAnim, setMarginTopAnim] = useState(new Animated.Value(20)); const [file_bg, setFileBg] = useState(props.data.sound_file_with_bg_music); useEffect(() => { MusicControl.enableBackgroundMode(true); MusicControl.handleAudioInterruptions(true); // Basic Controls

MusicControl.enableControl('play', true)
MusicControl.enableControl('pause', true)
MusicControl.enableControl('stop', true);
MusicControl.enableControl('nextTrack', false)
MusicControl.enableControl('previousTrack', false)
MusicControl.on(Command.play, () => {
  // player.actions.play()
  console.log('Play Tapped')

MusicControl.on(Command.pause, () => {
  // player.actions.pause()
  // onPause();
  console.log('Pause Tapped');

// MusicControl.on(Command.stop, () => {
//   // player.actions.pause()
//   onPause();
//   setPause
// })

}, [])

useEffect(() => { if (pause) { MusicControl.updatePlayback({ state: MusicControl.STATE_PAUSED, elapsedTime: currentPosition }) // MusicControl.enableControl('play', false) MusicControl.enableControl('pause', true) } else { MusicControl.updatePlayback({ state: MusicControl.STATE_PLAYING, elapsedTime: currentPosition }) MusicControl.setNowPlaying({ title: 'MyMedi', duration: totalLength, artwork: 'https://i.imgur.com/e1cpwdo.png', }); MusicControl.enableControl('pause', false) } }, [pause])

const setDuration = (data) => { setTotalLength(Math.floor(data.duration)); setTotalLengthFormat(getFormattedDuration(data.duration)) setLoaded(true); }

const setTime = (data) => { if (data.currentTime < 0) { setShowLoader(false); }

const currentTime = Math.floor(data.currentTime);
const leftTime = totalLength - currentTime;

// this.setState({
//   currentPosition: currentTime,
//   currentTimeFormat: getFormattedDuration(currentTime),
//   left: getFormattedDuration(leftTime),
// });
  elapsedTime: currentTime


const seek = (time) => { time = Math.round(time); player && player.seek(time);

// this.setState({ currentPosition: time });


const increase = () => { // const currentPosition = currentPosition; // const totalLength = totalLength; const time = currentPosition + 10;

if (time > totalLength) {
  player && player.seek(totalLength);
} else {
  player && player.seek(time);
  // this.setState({ currentPosition: time });


const decrease = () => { const time = currentPosition - 10; player && player.seek(time); // this.setState({ currentPosition: time }); setCurrentPosition(time); }

const createActivity = async () => { const data = { api_token: props.user.api_token, item_id: props.data.id + '', }; const response = await getData('user/activity/create', 'POST', data); // this.setState({ activity_id: response.activity_id }); setActivity_id(response.activity_id); }

const moveToAfterScreen = async () => { const data = { api_token: props.user.api_token, activity_id: activity_id + '', is_complete: true, };

if (!props.network.isConnected) {
  Actions.after_play({ data: props.data, download: props.download });

const response = await getData('user/activity/edit', 'POST', data);

if (response.status) {
Actions.after_play({ data: props.data, download: props.download });


const finishCourseItem = async () => { if (!props.network.isConnected) return;


if (props.active) {
  const data = {
    api_token: props.user.api_token,
    item_id: props.data.id,
    course_id: props.courseId,
  const response = await getData('courses/progress/update', 'POST', data);

  if (response.status) {
      type: 'GET_COURSES',
      api_token: props.user.api_token,


const show = () => { // let { loaded } = this.state; if (loaded) { // this.setState({ show_loader: false }); setShowLoader(false); } else { // this.setState({ show_loader: false }); setShowLoader(false); } Animated.timing(marginTopAnim, { toValue: 0, duration: 2000, useNativeDriver: false, }).start(); Animated.timing(fadeAnim, { toValue: 1, duration: 2000, useNativeDriver: false, }).start(); }

const subscribe = () => { Actions.subscribe({ image: props.data.image_file }); }

const onPlay = () => { // this.setState({ pause: false }); setPause(false); show(); createActivity(); props.scrollBottom(); MusicControl.setNowPlaying({ title: 'MyMedi', duration: totalLength, artwork: 'https://i.imgur.com/e1cpwdo.png', }); // MusicControl.enableControl('play', true) MusicControl.enableControl('pause', false) }

const onPause = () => { // this.setState({ pause: true }); setPause(true); }

const onSlidingComplete = (value) => { seek(value); // this.setState({ pause: false }); setPause(false) }

const getIsLock = () => { const { user } = props; const isAccess = user.access || user.is_vip || user.access_from_store;

if (isAccess) return !isAccess;
else return !props.data.is_free;

}; // let { file, file_bg, loader, show_loader } = this.state; const { duration } = props.data; const { theme, t } = props;

const styles = createStyle(theme);

const isLock = getIsLock(); let fileRef = file; let file_bgRef = file_bg;

props.download ? (fileRef = 'file://' + RN_FS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/meditation/' + fileRef) : null;

props.download ? (file_bgRef = 'file://' + RN_FS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/meditation/' + file_bgRef) : null;

const file_to_play = props.app.bg_music ? file_bgRef : file;

// const { pause, fadeAnim, marginTopAnim, left, currentPosition, muted } = this.state;

return ( <View style={{ flex: 1, width: '100%' }}> <Video muted={muted} paused={pause} audioOnly={true} playInBackground={true} ignoreSilentSwitch="ignore" source={{ uri: file_to_play }} controls={Platform.OS == 'ios'} onProgress={data => setTime(data)} playWhenInactive={true} mixWithOthers="inherit" ref={ref => { player = ref; }} onLoad={data => { setDuration(data); MusicControl.setNowPlaying({ title: 'MyMedi', duration: data.duration, artwork: 'https://i.imgur.com/e1cpwdo.png', }); }} onEnd={async () => { await finishCourseItem(); await moveToAfterScreen(); MusicControl.resetNowPlaying() MusicControl.stopControl(); }} />

onSlidingComplete(value)} onSlidingStart={() => onPause()} /> {loader && ( )} {!loader && !isLock ? ( increase()} text={` +10${t('common.time.sec')}`} icon={} revert={!theme.isRTL} /> onPlay() : () => onPause()} > {pause ? : } decrease()} text={` -10${t('common.time.sec')}`} icon={} revert={theme.isRTL} /> ) : ( subscribe()} withLoading={false} />

); }

const mapStateToProps = (state: any) => state;

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(withTheme(withTranslation()(AudioController)));

const createStyle = theme => { return StyleSheet.create({ header_container: { alignItems: 'center', width: '100%', justifyContent: 'center', }, controller: { flexDirection: theme.isRTL ? 'row' : 'row-reverse', alignItems: 'center', width: '100%', justifyContent: 'center', }, }); };

  1. Platform ?

    • [x] iOS
    • [ ] Android
3. Device - [ ] Simulator - [x] Real device I am using React-Native-Video Player with "'react-native-music-control" but in background mode Play pause controls are disabled. Seek bar moving good, Artwork is also showing but Player play , pause controls are not working.
singhiam commented 1 year ago

@bradleyflood Can you please help me here.

singhiam commented 1 year ago


bradfloodx commented 1 year ago

Hi @singhiam, I recommend switching over to https://github.com/doublesymmetry/react-native-track-player