Open tangway opened 7 months ago
realized that with or without autoprefixer
the build css already has the same vendor prefixes added.
it is likely that Vite in its default usage of PostCSS has a configuration for autoprefixer
. autoprefixer
is one of the plugins in PostCSS as you can see here:
when i realized that the newer media query syntax that uses the comparison operator like
@media (width < 500px)
isn't recognized on an older iphone, i decided to look into usingautoprefixer
so as to solve all browser vendor related compatibility issues. setup is easy by just installing the package and then making apostcss.config.cjs
file in the root of the Vite React project. it is a project that is still regularly updated according to changes in CSS standards, the most recent release was just 3 days ago. so yeah it looks like it's all pros and no cons for using this tool.