tani / markdown-it-mathjax3

Add Math to your Markdown with a MathJax plugin for Markdown-it
MIT License
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vuepress 2.0 编译不通过啊 #57

Closed cloakscn closed 2 years ago

cloakscn commented 2 years ago

image 已经检查过了,确实是因为使用了mathjax3插件引起报错的

cloakscn commented 2 years ago

可以通过yarn dev运行,但是yarn build报这个错了

Dragon1573 commented 2 years ago

@cloakscn 你这个问题,我之前已经询问过 @tani 了,详情请看 #52 。

目前 VuePress v2.x 仍处于 Beta 状态,在其转入 Stable 状态彻底替代 v1.x 之前,@tani 都将不会考虑为 v2.x 提供技术支持。

最后需要提一下,尽管 @tani 学过一段时间的汉语,基本具备无障碍阅读我们对话的能力,但可能还有其他语言的用户会找到这里。使用英语会方便其他用户在 Issues / Pull Requests 中进行搜索,极大程度杜绝重复提问。因此请考虑使用纯英语或中英双语发言。

Deprecated #52. This issue can be closed.

tani commented 2 years ago

@Dragon1573 Thank you for answering this issue to him.

You (@Dragon1573 and @cloakscn ) might know, vuepress is in maintenance mode. It means that we may not able to use vuepress v2 anymore. So, I have no motivation to support vuepress v2 in the future. https://github.com/vuejs/vuepress#status

Vitepress is the successor of vuepress. It is still in alpha quality in v0. I do not recommend using it in production but I can work to solve some problems for vitepress and cannot work to solve some problems for vuepress v2.


brc-dd commented 2 years ago

This works nice with VitePress (https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress/issues/529#issuecomment-1162767122) without much config. 🙌

FAKER-A commented 1 year ago

vuepress2.0+ , You can configure it this way and it will work fine @cloakscn @Dragon1573

  // config.js
 const customElement = [
  extendsMarkdown: (md) => {
    md.linkify.set({ fuzzyEmail: false });

  bundlerConfig: {
    vuePluginOptions: {
      template: {
        compilerOptions: {
          isCustomElement: (tag) => customElement.includes(tag),