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writing-an-emulator-in-javascript-chip8/ #109

Open utterances-bot opened 2 years ago

utterances-bot commented 2 years ago

Writing an Emulator in JavaScript (Chip-8) | Tania Rascia

I spent a good portion of my childhood playing emulated NES and SNES games on my computer, but I never imagined I'd write an emulator myself…


vrtn commented 2 years ago

Amazing Tania, congratulations! I've already bookmarked your site and will share it on my linkedin. I'm not even close to you, but follow my micro blog, https://devzanini.ml/ I'm from Brazil, I've been back to programming with js for about 6 months. Before programming in C and Cobol xD.

marc1115 commented 2 years ago

Thank you Tania, it's wonderful work!. I wish I could know more about the ROM games. How to figure out, even an apparently 'simple' game as Pong, how is done? is there an assembler version for Chip-8? Could you comment about? Thanks!

SkyfallWasTaken commented 1 year ago

Nice article, helped me when writing my own emulator!

Esshahn commented 1 year ago

That was a great read Tania, thank you for writing the article.