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path-matching-in-react-router/ #132

Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

Using Path Matching in React Router | Tania Rascia

Recently on a project I was working on I noticed every page was importing in order to display the unique page title, like this: For an app…


tripathics commented 1 year ago

wow.. I was also browsing through your taniarascia.com repository and I noticed react-helmet.. I was actually porting my homepage website to react (which was earlier made in Flask) and figured that I can't change the title of different pages.. so I went to your repo and found it :heart:

Oh and I think I should mention this-- My react journey started with your react tutorial blog post.. thank you so much

Keep up the good work ::four_leaf_clover::

makkabi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this article! I would suggest to use this fork of React Helmet, because React Helmet uses some deprecated Methods and causes ugly UNSAFE_componentWillMount warnings in newer React versions. https://github.com/staylor/react-helmet-async