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crud-app-in-react-with-hooks/ #20

Open utterances-bot opened 4 years ago

utterances-bot commented 4 years ago

Build a CRUD App in React with Hooks | Tania Rascia

A new concept was introduced in React - Hooks. Hooks are an alternative to classes. If you've used React before, you'll be familiar with…


alemRangel commented 4 years ago

Then again, another wonderful tutorial. Thank you.

Gerard-007 commented 4 years ago

Nice Just started learning reactJS and i find this very resource full thanks a lot...

hypefi commented 4 years ago

Thank you

CatalinBalan96 commented 4 years ago

Perfect guide for someone new on React JS. You made my day. Thank you :D

DewangS commented 4 years ago

Nice guide though I have a question regarding component design. Basically ADD NEW user or EDIT existing USER are similar operations when it comes to UI. Can't both be part of JUST one component and act base on supplied inout params e.g. just pass in mode=add or mode=edit. if it's for an update, also pass in the userid e.g. USERID=1 along with mode. Is it better option or would you rather prefer individual form components for each CRUD operation? esp. CREATE, READ\VEIW and UPDATE?

mayureshs commented 4 years ago

Very nice read for a newbie. Thanks for putting it in simple words. Curious what VS code theme are you using above?

taniarascia commented 4 years ago

It's New Moon, my own custom theme.

cheepion commented 4 years ago

Nice guide, Thank you

natpbs commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the great guide! I already understood the basics of react hooks, but having a clean and elegant codebase implementing a minimal (but very relevant to my usecase) example to learn from is extremely helpful. 🌟

tankred commented 3 years ago

Excellent guide. Thanks a lot.

PotterOtherP commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the tutorial! Just wanted to point out that the first code snippet for the UserTable doesn't have a return statement.

KatochAkhil commented 3 years ago

hiii, You did a great job, Thanks for this tutorials one thing I want to ask you that how can this data should be store in local data that i would refresh the page in data should not be gone,

YuriyTikhonoff commented 3 years ago

Well done. Thanks for the sharing of the information.

gtum92 commented 3 years ago

Thanks a-lot for this, it really helped! Quick question about the ID numbering. If you make 3 consecutive users where the ids will be assigned using ".length + 1" meaning the user ids will be 1, 2, 3. You then delete user with id 2, now having left with 2 users in the array, Id: 1 and Id: 3. Wouldn't the next user you add also then have the Id: 3? Would this not throw off the delete and update functions as you would have 2 items with the same Id?

vnivy commented 3 years ago

How to add 3more Fields mam?

LynnLee93 commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your wonderful project, it's simple to follow & understand. I have a question about the last issues. I added setEditing(false) to the deleteUser function in App.js but it doesn't work, I can still delete the user that I'm editing for.

idurar commented 3 years ago

i build similaire Crud , is open source Starter Mern App ( Node.js / React / Redux / Ant Design ) with Crud & Auth

Take a look here : https://dev.to/lalami/mern-app-node-js-react-redux-ant-design-crud-auth-d91

codellyson commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much

ibrahimshafiq17326 commented 2 years ago

the delete and edit user is not working

TsheriSherpa commented 2 years ago

I think the logic for assigning id to object can be better if used UUID instead of adding to length

DaniPinelli commented 2 years ago

Thanks, you are the best!

Kento97 commented 2 years ago

Thank you 谢谢

iamcalinprojects commented 2 years ago

Thank you for this Tutorial, it was a lovely explanation.

MikeDeM89 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the great tutorial and website! I've been devouring your content over the past couple weeks.

I am having some trouble with the Update function reflecting on my table, but not really a big deal in my case. What I would absolutely love to see is an update/extension to this where you bring a database into the picture instead of using sample data! I'm having the most issues with the interaction between my states and database fetches/writes.

CyrilleMarc commented 1 year ago

Thank you Tania. Good Job very understandable.

pnmfonseca commented 1 year ago

A few years later (times the internet speed, which is fast) and this blog still proves helpful to someone. Not just on the tech topics which I am learning from, but also from how you talk about growth, friendship, life. Thank you Tania for being an inspiration.

victormaoya commented 1 year ago

Concise. Succinct. Concepts very well elaborated. Oh, and the Primitive CSS framework is absolutely out of this world. Thank you.

arsalan-z commented 2 weeks ago

You are like an angel in disguise of a software developer. I was reading your About me page, where you said things about sharing and providing inspiration to other people in this world. That's so nice of you. I actually started going through your whole website after reading your words only. And this article has really helped me address a problem I've been facing with forms for quite long. I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart! Keep up the good work. We would love to see your tutorials on youtube some day. All the best Tania :)