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everything-i-know-as-a-software-developer-without-a-degree/ #47

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Everything I Know as a Software Developer Without a Degree (2019) | Tania Rascia

I'm not going to get into the details of my story - in short, I liked making websites as a kid, but I went to culinary school and worked in…


glitchbane commented 3 years ago

Hi, I just read this article and wanted to say kudos for going for what you want and doing what it takes to get there. I started teaching myself to program in 1993 as a legal secretary with no degree, and I retired early from a very successful 25-year career as a software developer recently. Keep it up, and don't undersell yourself thinking the lack of a degree means anything. The most difficult part was aligning how I thought of things with the "official" jargon that I had never learned. It might or might not be easier these days, with access to articles like the ones you write. Brava!

vicradon commented 3 years ago

Your journey is the most inspiring I've come across. The way you share what you learn inspired me to write as I learn. Thank you for all you do. Cheers 🥂

SebasOcampoo commented 3 years ago

Congrats for your journey in the software world, you have created your own path to learn from the basic stuff to the hardest ones, I think to write has helped you a lot to put in order your thought and clarify Ideas, is an excellent exercise. Thank you for these articles are fantastic and pleasant to read.

hseritt commented 3 years ago

Tania, I love reading your site. This started because I found it was one of a few that I read only just to keep up with newer trends. But, I have to admit I love reading about your journey more than anything. It is very similar to mine. I didn't get into the technology field until I was 34. I was self-taught mostly but did use my GI Bill to get a 2 year degree. I needed a job badly at the time -- one that paid and that I was suited for. At any rate, I do run into a number of young people (my daughter included) who ask about working in this field. I always point them to your site and ask them to read up about your journey as well as your excellent technical articles. You are an inspiration. Thank you!

lizzy-shiejer commented 1 year ago

I have wasted almost seven month going back and forth, back and forth trying to find consistency in my software engineering journey. I have learned a lot of things during this period of time but gained very little in everything that i have learned i feel like am wasting a lot of time in the process. So as i was looking for a fresh start even if it has to be from zero again, that's when i came across this article that has just changed everything. Because it feels like what the article is trying to tell me is that "You do not have to master everything all at once!". And this is so true. Thank you so much Tania!

joshbraham commented 9 months ago

Hey Tania! I found your website through the codecademy full-stack course, after getting curious about the author behind Making API Requests with Postman or cURL. I find your story very inspiring, as it took me until my final year to realise that I had chosen the wrong university degree (I picked accounting, for reasons not well thought out at all). I find myself beating myself up for wasting all that time and money (4 years!) but this article has really encouraged me to keep going. Thanks, and this website is killer!