taniarascia / comments

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adding-comments-to-my-blog/ #5

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Adding Comments to My Blog | Tania Rascia

I've gone back and forth about whether or not to have comments on the site. Most of all, I've liked having absolutely no server or external scripts on the site, and not having to moderate comments that are publicly facing on the site.


taniarascia commented 3 years ago

Testing the first comment.

simevidas commented 3 years ago

One-click sign-in, not bad.

walidmahade commented 3 years ago

How do I reply or mention :p @taniarascia works?

jatin2003 commented 3 years ago

It's awesome @taniarascia I really loved it :)

ajtran303 commented 3 years ago

I started reading your blog in 2019 and took SO MANY notes down in my journal from your articles. (Back then, I think you had comments on your website, and I think I left you one to say hi.)

I've come a long way in learning web development. When you talk about a "comments REST API server with Node", I totally understand all of those words now! Thanks in part to your educational content.

Thanks a bunch @taniarascia!

My career change is almost complete; I'll never work in a restaurant again. :D

Edit: I'm editing my comment on GitHub! This is a cool API. Super neat!!

ephraimduncan commented 3 years ago

I'm going to try this out.

yarocruz commented 3 years ago

Looks super cool, will definitely look more into Utterances.

alansiq commented 3 years ago

I love it!

tonycimaglia commented 3 years ago

This is incredibly cool. No bull shit comments.

SixStringsCoder commented 3 years ago

I've got nothin' to say, so I'm singing it silently in this post. G---Bm---C---D---Em---Am---D---Eb---F---Gm---G---||

xixianykus commented 3 years ago

Love your blog, teaching style and open source, no ad philosophy. One suggestion I'd like to make is the option of a dark theme though. If I read late at night I think staring into a bright white screen messes with my sleep.

Other than that keep up the great work.

dalalRohit commented 3 years ago

Loved this comment section

amejiarosario commented 3 years ago

This is awesome!

amejiarosario commented 3 years ago

Oh, I see I can post directly on the Github issue as well.

astrojose commented 3 years ago

wow ... this is awesome!!!

highSparrow commented 3 years ago

This is really nice!!!

fpineda3105 commented 3 years ago

Tania, you do an awsome Job!

ganeshmani commented 3 years ago


fgerschau commented 3 years ago

Looks really cool!

ahmadawais commented 3 years ago

Aha this is so much fun.

rismanss commented 3 years ago

simple and cool I like this

astrit commented 3 years ago

Very nice, commenting from Github lets see if it appears on Blog

kutec commented 3 years ago

Github issues as comments... Thumbs up.

wngsy commented 3 years ago


jalajcodes commented 3 years ago
This is nice!!!
wngsy commented 3 years ago

Any idea if github will consider it a abuse of service at one point if this becomes more popular or mainstream?

husky-dot commented 3 years ago

Hello, may I translate your article into Chinese?I would like to share it with more developers in China. I will give the original author and original source.

djedi commented 3 years ago

Cool! I found your site from your post on migrating wordpress to Gatsby. I'm familiar with @jdanyow and his great work on the Aurelia framework!

walidmahade commented 3 years ago

Aha this is so much fun.


sahirmpatel commented 3 years ago

Really Cool

rastarr commented 3 years ago

Interesting Does utterances impact on pagespeed loading times at all? Does Google see these comments here or on Github (from an activity point of view)?

biesior commented 3 years ago

Pity there's no edit/delete option for comments.

@taniarascia privately must say I love your garden... yyy.. blog ;)

taniarascia commented 3 years ago

@biesior You can edit/delete, you just have to do it from the GitHub UI directly.

biesior commented 3 years ago

@taniarascia Thank you for info, now it makes perfect sense. Greetings and ance again thanks for your involvement :)

Just didn't realise that can click the link at the top of comments on the blog to go here ;)

jeffjadulco commented 3 years ago

This is cool. TIL of utteranc.es, I will use it on my blog too! 🔥

hoehooiyan commented 3 years ago

Testing comment. Cool stuff! Gonna try to implement this on my blog, thank you for sharing! <3

nhcuongng commented 3 years ago

Awsome, love you so much

rscharfer commented 3 years ago

nice! I'll check this out for my blog as well! : )

aquilesC commented 3 years ago

Crossing utterances is the best thing that happened to me this week!

I used Staticman in the past and was also great. I especially liked that comments could be stored as plain files and therefore you had a trully self-contained static-website. But I very quickly started getting spam and lost the stamina to moderate...

YikSanChan commented 3 years ago

@taniarascia Thanks for the post. I wonder: do you host the blog as a static site, or do you serve it as a normal React app? The ask stems from the discussion as seen https://aerotog.github.io/blog/comments-in-gatsby/

xplosionmind commented 3 years ago

utteranc.es is awesome, I discovered it some time ago and implemented it in my blog even before reading this article. The problem is that the API is blocked by Privacy Badger and you have to whitelist it to make it work…

Nevertheless, a pretty nice feature.

simonhlee97 commented 3 years ago

Thanks Tania! This is one of the coolest things I've discovered in 2020!

caiduncheng commented 3 years ago

test comment here

nicoproject commented 3 years ago

once again - good job

nullx5 commented 1 year ago

print("Amazing : ", "😋🎄")

tahsinature commented 2 weeks ago

Its pretty cool