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wilderness-backpacking-gear-list/ #52

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Wildnerness Backpacking Gear List | Tania Rascia

In 2017, I wrote a post about planning a city backpacking trip around Europe. Well first off, a trip like that isn't going to happen again…


m8ins commented 3 years ago

Really interesting, thank you! I was thinking about updating my hiking gear, so far it's more for single-day trips or for when I'm staying in hostels. So this is super helpful :)

sartoriusrex commented 3 years ago

As a former backpacking guide with the boy scouts, I approve your list.

Next stop: going ultralight. :p

photocurio commented 3 years ago

A few years back I picked up Ray Jardine's Beyond Backpacking and it changed my backpacking style completely. It's all so much more comfortable and joyful. I pretty much drank the kool aid, and made the gear with a sewing machine. Today you can buy that gear though.