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how-to-use-local-storage-with-javascript/ #60

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

How to Use Local Storage with JavaScript | Tania Rascia

I like making tutorials where you build a small application completely from scratch with plain JavaScript. A to-do list is a common app idea…


michaelshmichael commented 3 years ago

Thanks, very clear and helpful explanation!

newyorkcityjose commented 3 years ago

how about remove just one item of the list. How do you go about that?

LudusExtremus commented 3 years ago

Hi Tania, thanks for creating a simple tutorial on a beginner leve. One thing.. If I copy every piece of copy seperately into my editor - the code is not working. Also I could not download the code from github? Not sure if I did something wrong - but I can see the files - see the code, but not download it. If I copy the code from github.. it also does not work.

At the end, I did go to your working example page- and copied each code from there. Not really what a tutorial is supposed to do :D

Maybe you can take a loot at that. Anyhow, best Martin

wolmoe commented 2 years ago

Clear, concise and easy to follow. I managed to transfer your tutorial to my project immediately. Thanks heaps for this super helpful piece of information!

Cheers, Wolfgang