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make-a-static-website-with-jekyll/ #77

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Jekyll Tutorial: How to Create a Static Website | Tania Rascia

Jekyll is a static site generator that runs on the Ruby programming language. You may have heard of Jekyll or static site generators, but…


monfresh commented 3 years ago

Hi Tania. I came across your site while searching for Jekyll. I see that you put a lot of effort into your tutorials. One thing I wanted to bring to your attention was the recommendation to use sudo to install gems. Perhaps you did that because you've seen other people recommend it, but it's a bad practice because it can be dangerous. There are safer ways to install gems, as I've written about in these articles: https://www.moncefbelyamani.com/why-you-should-never-use-sudo-to-install-ruby-gems/ https://www.moncefbelyamani.com/the-definitive-guide-to-installing-ruby-gems-on-a-mac/

I'm reaching out to you to consider updating your Jekyll guide to not encourage the use of sudo. Given the quality of your other articles, I'm sure people have come to trust you, so if people trust you, and you tell them to use sudo, they might think it's perfectly fine, which is harmful because it isn't fine. Similarly, if people know that sudo gem install should be avoided, and they see you recommend it, they might trust you less.

SVinzant commented 2 years ago

Hi Tania, I just found your site while looking for Jekyll tutorials. I have plowed through the whole thing. I have found a few little items that need to be tweaked/corrected. Nothing earth-shattering, more cosmetic. Also, this github business, convince me I need it. It seems very cumbersome (read: PITA). Anyhow, if you want to discuss it further, HMU (does github support some kind of messaging? Or maybe look for me on Twitter. Or maybe via github you can shoot an email, IDK.) At any rate, thanks for the Jekyll tutorial. I will explore you site some more to see what you have created!

Irishgeoff12 commented 11 months ago

You can also add jekyll forms