tanishapatil1234 / tri2

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CSA Student Teaching Part 2 + Key Indicators #1

Open tanishapatil1234 opened 8 months ago

tanishapatil1234 commented 8 months ago
Tanisha Patil, Per 3, Overall Individual Review 2023-2024 Score, Grader Verification Blog Link Extras Key Indicators: Blog, GitHub File(s) and Key Commits
SASS hacks 0.89, Toby LINK Did my own display of SASS (shown in blog) and linked personal website where I implicated SASS lesson fundamentals (Also linked in blog) . Note: Even though I did extra I got the 0.89 because my reflection was not not reflective enough. I do believe the websites that I created with SASS fundamentals from their lesson should count for extra. image Blog Commit, Girls in Computer Science Website (Created and maintained by me), SASS Application commit in my own site
jQuery hacks 0.93, Mati LINK Created working To-Do list interface, linked on blog with ALL CURD Functionality, Frontend storage, UI styling, image Commits
Thymeleaf hacks 0.94, Krishiv LINK Created an extra error page, in depth reflection and hacks Commits
SQL, HashMap hacks 0.8, Haoxuan LINK No Extras, but I would like to make Note : that the reason I got such a low score is because I misunderstood the expectations for the Hashmaps hacks as the lesson was cut short. I did some of my own exploration in hashmaps with a sample application but I didn't do the sports program. I asked if my own code could count for the points but they were only willing to give me up to 0.8 Commits
JWT hacks (OUR LESSON) 1, Teacher Teacher and Student notebook which I contributed to mosty researching and writing - Researched and Created (most) the lesson(Teacher Notebook) along with Luna, Created all of the student notebook LINK
CORS, dotEnv, Exploits hacks - - - - LINK
CB Quiz 28/39, 1.81/2 Original Blog In Depth Blog, Extra 5 min lesson on Q 18 Commits
Totals Median Score: 0.91 Number complete: All Extra effort count: 4 Key commit count:5

pocketTherapist work

Sub ticket Tanisha CNN implementation

Week 1: Planning and Data Preparation

Day 0: Sprint Planning

Day 1: Data Collection


Day 2: Data Preprocessing


Day 3: Model Architecture Design

Day 4: Model Implementation

Day 5: Training



Day 6: Model Evaluation

Week 2: Model Optimization and Deployment

Day 7: Hyperparameter Tuning

Day 8: Error Analysis

Day 9: Model Interpretability

Day 10: Model Optimization

Day 11: Deployment Setup

Day 12: Testing and Validation

Day 13: Documentation and Training

Day 14: Final Review and Retrospective

ww3 work

Demo/Summary Video

Youtube Link

Creating Backend Endpoints - Backend

Generation and Service Classes:

public class CardGeneration {

    CommandLineRunner commandLineRunner(
        CardJpaRepository repository) {
            return args -> {
            List<Card> cards = new ArrayList<>();

            for (int rank = 1; rank <= 500; rank++) {
                Card card = new Card(rank);


public class CardService {

    private final CardJpaRepository cardRepository;

    public CardService(CardJpaRepository cardRepository) {
        this.cardRepository = cardRepository;

    public List<List<Card>> splitCardsRandomly(List<Card> cards) {
        // Shuffle the cards randomly

        // Split the cards into two halves
        int halfSize = cards.size() / 2;

        List<Card> firstHalf = new ArrayList<>(cards.subList(0, halfSize));
        List<Card> secondHalf = new ArrayList<>(cards.subList(halfSize, cards.size()));

        List<List<Card>> splitCards = new ArrayList<>();

        return splitCards;
// commit change 

    public void saveCards(List<Card> cards) {
public interface CardJpaRepository extends JpaRepository<Card, Long> {
    void save(String Card); 
    List<Card> findByIdIgnoreCase(Long id);





Key Commit Backend

Creating Test Analysis File - Frontend


Key Commit Frontend

Commit History For ww3






I plan to add something like ranks so I could add a compareto method as mentioned by Mort in indicator tech talk. Additionally I would create cards as objects with rank and suit variables instead of using an imperative generation method. However we were sort of in a time crunch because we did ideation incorrectly.




Reflection (Bulleted because who wants to read a paragraph)