taniwha / Kerbal-Konstructs

KSP Mod: Kerbal Konstrucs
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Feature Request: Add MODEL {} node support #7

Open StoneBlue opened 4 years ago

StoneBlue commented 4 years ago

Editing/building UI wont even open if even a single MODEL{} is detected in any KK model .cfg.

I know it may not mean much without the whole log, but the only real reference in the log to the issue, is this:

[EXCEPTION] [System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[TSource]] ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source at System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] source, TSource value, System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer1[T] comparer) (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0) at System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[T] source, TSource value) (at :0) at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.LoadModels () (at :0) at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.Awake () (at :0) at UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) at ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) at UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) at AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup) at AddonLoader:StartAddons(Startup) at AddonLoader:OnLevelLoaded(GameScenes) at AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode) at UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)`

Anyway, my case for use is... Looking into many of the mods that provide statics for KK, most seem very disorganized as far as folder/file structure. Personally, I would like the flexibility to organize assets (models/textures) better, beyond being forced to have model(s)/texture(s)/cfg(s) all stuffed into a single folder with each other.

When dealing with a dozen or moar statics, IMHO, asset location flexibility could greatly help with organization and mod optimization. Especially where shared assets are used. If assets are shared across statics, you are either forced to dump all related files into one folder, OR having to duplicate assets across different folders.