Important feature: ability to overclock/fast-forward obstetric timers.
Rationale: Some obstetric waveforms (depending on settings) may take minutes (1-20 min) to populate with complete waveforms (e.g. contractions 1 min duration, 10 minutes apart, x2 waves = 22 minutes).
Implementation into (m)V(vm):
[x] In Patient Editor, include NumericUpDown for ratio of actual minutes to model minutes (range 1 - 30; interval 5)
[x] Link NumericUpDown events to ViewModel functions (get and set functionality)
[x] Add to IISE (m)VVM as well...
Implementation into mv(VM):
[x] subset of OnPatientEvent will need to trigger resetting of Timer intervals to new multipliers
Implementation into M(vvm):
[x] Store this temporal coefficient/multiplier alongside the Timers (as int)
[ ] Implement this multiplier into the Save/Load functionality
[x] Test that ViewModel's changes to Timer intervals actually propagates obstetric Timer overclocking as intended
Important feature: ability to overclock/fast-forward obstetric timers.
Rationale: Some obstetric waveforms (depending on settings) may take minutes (1-20 min) to populate with complete waveforms (e.g. contractions 1 min duration, 10 minutes apart, x2 waves = 22 minutes).
Implementation into (m)V(vm):
Implementation into mv(VM):
Implementation into M(vvm):