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Week 3 #6

Open github-learning-lab[bot] opened 3 years ago

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Introduction to Recursion

This assignment will demonstrate the basics of recursion, and ask you to create a recursive function of your own. If at any moment you need help, feel free to contact your TAs.

In English, the term "recursive" means something is "characterized by recurrence or repetition." Many natural processes in the world are recursive. As an example, start with an equilateral triangle, and replace the middle 1/3rd of each side by another equilateral triangle. Continue this process over and over until you begin to see something like a snowflake. This is called a Koch snowflake.

Koch snowflake

Recursion is the process in which a function calls itself directly or indirectly. A function is said to be recursive if it calls itself. Let's look at an example.

function HelloWorld(count) {
   if (count < 1) return
   print("Hello World!")
   HelloWorld(count - 1)

Let's trace through an example of calling this function. We'll call HelloWorld(5).

// count of 5 is not less than 1. Print Hello World. Call HelloWorld(4).
// count of 4 is not less than 1. Print Hello World. Call HelloWorld(3).
// count of 3 is not less than 1. Print Hello World. Call HelloWorld(2).
// count of 2 is not less than 1. Print Hello World. Call HelloWorld(1).
// count of 1 is not less than 1. Print Hello World. Call HelloWorld(0).
// count of 0 IS less than 1. Return.

Notice how the command print("Hello World!") is run 5 times in total throughout this recursive call. Thus, our output should look something like this:

Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!

You may wonder why we don't simply use a for loop, in which case your argument would be completely valid! However, in this case, we used a relatively simple function in order to demonstrate how recursion works. Where recursion truly shines is in the more complex problems.

Let's take a look at the Fibonacci numbers. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers form a sequence called the Fibonacci sequence, such that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1. What's cool is that the Fibonacci sequence uses zero-based indexing, which lends itself very well to most programming languages. Here is the beginning of the Fibonacci sequence:

fibonacci sequence

How can we use code to find the nth Fibonacci number? For example, we would input the number 3 and the program should output 2, the 3rd Fibonacci number (remember that the Fibonacci sequence uses zero-based indexing!). It turns out that recursion lends itself very well to this particular problem.

function findFibonacci(n) {
    if (n < 2) return n
    return findFibonacci(n-1) + findFibonacci(n-2)

Let's trace through the code using an example of findFibonacci(3).

// n of 3 is not less than 2. return findFibonacci(2) + findFibonacci(1)
  // findFibonacci(2): n of 2 is not less than 2. return findFibonacci(1) + findFibonacci(0)
    // findFibonacci(1): n of 1 IS less than 2. return n (which is 1)
    // findFibonacci(0): n of 0 IS less than 2. return n (which is 0)
    // Thus, findFibonacci(1) + findFibonacci(0) = 1 + 0 = 1 
  // findFibonacci(1): n of 1 IS less than 2. return n (which is 1)
  // Thus, findFibonacci(2) + findFibonacci(1) = 1 + 1 = 2
Output: 2

Take some time to run through the process above and make sure it makes sense. There is something we should take care to note: notice how we run the function findFibonacci(1) twice! This actually becomes incredibly burdensome once we use larger numbers, and we can end up running the same functions hundreds, even thousands of times - and there is most definitely a faster way to compute the Fibonacci numbers. However, this is beyond the scope of the course, and we utilized this function just to show an example of what recursion can look like.

Pay attention to how our recursive functions have been structured so far. We first always identify a base case such that our recursive calls will always be stopped at some point. In findFibonacci(n), our base case was any n less than 2, to mark the first two numbers of the Fibonacci sequence: 0 and 1. In Hello World, our base case was count < 1 i.e. whenever our count got down to 0. This makes sense because once our count comes down to zero, we don't want to print any more Hello World!s. Thus, our first recommendation for writing recursive functions is to always identify the base case first!

base case

Your next step should then to make the recursive calls. This skill can only be polished with more practice, so don't worry if you don't get it the first time. Our best advice here is to trust that your code works.

trust and believe

Hopefully you now have a sense of what recursion is, and a vague idea of how to construct a recursive function. Don't worry if you're struggling a little bit with thinking recursively - it will start coming naturally with more and more practice. If you're looking to try out a few more problems by yourself, this is a great website with a list of incrementally harder recursion problems to solve! Although it only compiles Java (not JavaScript), you can use Node to run your code locally on your machine instead. Moreover, in the website, you can type a return statement in the given code box and click the Go button to find many more test cases to ensure your program runs correctly.

🚗 Challenge

To complete this assignment, create a recursive function that returns the factorial of an integer n (without using a for loop!). Recall that the factorial of a number n is denoted by n!, where:

factorial definition

For example, 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120.

Hint: Identify a base case first! Then move onto the recursive call. Please contact your TA if you need any help at all!

✏️ Testing

Once you have your function set up, it's time to test it out! Here are a few test cases:

Function Call Output
factorial(1) 1
factorial(2) 2
factorial(3) 6
factorial(4) 24
factorial(5) 120
factorial(6) 720
factorial(7) 5040
factorial(8) 40320
factorial(12) 479001600

Here is a list of 100 factorials in case you'd like to check more.

✅ Submit

Commit a file called factorial.js with your recursive factorial function!

tanjinprity4 commented 3 years ago


github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Recursive Art

For this assignment, you will follow the instructions and complete a task showing your knowledge of the subject at the end. If at any moment you need help, feel free to contact your TAs.

You've received some signals from aliens that decode to result in intricate graphics. These images have patterns that seem to repeat themselves and represent mathematical concepts which appear all around earth in nature. You have decided to recreate these messages in order to resume communication with the extraterrestrials.

:airplane: Phase 2

Create a new file named drawing.js

Learning how to draw in JavaScript

In your project for this week, you will mainly focus on creating a function that will draw one shape continuously, so keep these handy!


For more complex shapes and examples, visit here (Thank you Khan!)

Want to be :sparkles:fancy:sparkles:? Try changing the colors:

Randomizing Your Drawing


To practice implementing the concept of recursion in JavaScript art, start by creating a drawing of an alien (doesn't have to be perfect!). This drawing will be unique each separate time you run the program.

:red_car: Running your Code

Since we are focusing on pure JavaScript and this task requires HTML to run, we are going to be borrowing Khan's website to display our artwork.

  1. Go to this website
  2. Write your code in the provided area
  3. If your code doesn't have output that will be different everytime, the drawing will update whenever you change the code
  4. If you implement something like randomization, a "restart" button will appear to run it multiple times

:pencil2: Testing

Time to check if you are able to create a unique :alien: everytime, press "restart" and see the face change!

✅ Submit

Phase 2: Complete a program that draws a unique alien

Commit a file called drawing.js

tanjinprity4 commented 3 years ago


github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Recursive Art

For this assignment, you will follow the instructions and complete a task showing your knowledge of the subject at the end. If at any moment you need help, feel free to contact your TAs.

You've received some signals from aliens that decode to result in intricate graphics. These images have patterns that seem to repeat themselves and represent mathematical concepts which appear all around earth in nature. You have decided to recreate these messages in order to resume communication with the extraterrestrials.

:airplane: Phase 3

For this lesson, we're just going to be taking a look at an example of recursive art to get your gears running.

:eyes: Taking a peek at an example

See what our shell looks like

:question: What's happening?

The key to recursion is drawShape() in this program

Before we get into how this drawing is done with the concept, we'll go over what's happening.

And that's it! drawShape() will continue to be called, arcs will continue to be drawn, and new values will be calculated until the size becomes less than 4.

:pencil2: Requirements

In the next part, you're going to be creating your own recursive art, but we'll be adding some requirements: 1) Have a base case (This is the "endpoint" where the calculation terminates or stops)

These requirements are exemplified in the example above, so let's talk a little about how the code incorporates them

1) The base case in the example is when the size is divided by 1.2 so many times that it becomes less than 4. This is when the calculation terminates and the function is not called anymore 2) The rule that causes the calculation to go deeper is the fact that function will need to be continuously called within eachother until size is less than 4.

✅ Submit

Time to do some research: Find one example of recursion in nature and explain how one of the requirements applies.

recursive leaf

Comment your findings to move on and start on your artwork! :mag:

tanjinprity4 commented 3 years ago

We see recursion in plant leaves. They keep growing on cylindrical stems from the bottom until they reach the tip. In some plants, the leaves keep getting smaller towards the tip of the stems. It can be perceived as the base case: "When reach the tip , no more leaves will grow."

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 3 years ago

Recursive Art

For this assignment, you will follow the instructions and complete a task showing your knowledge of the subject at the end. If at any moment you need help, feel free to contact your TAs.

You've received some signals from aliens that decode to result in intricate graphics. These images have patterns that seem to repeat themselves and represent mathematical concepts which appear all around earth in nature. You have decided to recreate these messages in order to resume communication with the extraterrestrials.

:airplane: Phase 4

Create a new file named artproject.js

Creating your own Recursive Art

It's finally time to send the aliens your own personalized art for them to decipher... We just have the 3 requirements in order to make communication go smoothly.

Here are some examples that you can take inspiration from, but try to keep yours original!

Find more here under "Spinoffs"


Draw anything (with common sense) utilizing recursion. Meet these 3 requirements: 1) Have a base case (This is the "endpoint" where the calculation terminates or stops)

:red_car: Running your Code

Since we are focusing on pure JavaScript and this task requires HTML to run, we are going to be borrowing Khan's website to display our artwork.

  1. Go to this website
  2. Write your code in the provided area
  3. With randomization, a "restart" button will appear to run it multiple times

:pencil2: Testing

Go ahead and press "restart" as many times as you wish to view your recursive art. Make sure it meets those 3 requirements!

✅ Submit

Phase 2: Complete a program that creates a randomized piece of art with recursion!

Commit a file called artproject.js