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Prestige option? #7

Open tankorsmash opened 7 years ago

tankorsmash commented 7 years ago

From @Pyro699 on September 15, 2017 19:5

Perhaps you could have an option that after you hit a certain marker you can "restart" the game and be given a prestige marker. Like after all buildings hit max level, you could choose to restart the game from scratch and be given a shiny "1" medal then do it all over again until you hit the "2" medal... or you can keep playing as is to get the most bank. Something, just an idea.

Copied from original issue: tankorsmash/BuildUpTheBase#15

tankorsmash commented 7 years ago

The plan is that once you 'beat' the base, you'll prestige it and use it as a simplified bonus for your newer buildings. Having a prestige equivalent is very important to the genre, but I want to make sure getting to that point is more interesting than it is now.

Yeah at the very simplest case I could put that medal somewhere but I'd like to make it more interesting.