tanlongzhi / dip-c

Tools to analyze Dip-C (or other 3C/Hi-C) data
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On the issue of duplicated chromosomes #63

Open HanwenZhu98 opened 9 months ago

HanwenZhu98 commented 9 months ago

hickit -i mus.restrict.pairs.gz -u -o - | bgzip > impute.pairs.gz [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "pair_type" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "mapq1" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "mapq2" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "rfrag1" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "rfrag_start1" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "rfrag_end1" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "rfrag2" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "rfrag_start2" will be ignored [W::parse_pair_cols] unrecognized column "rfrag_end2" will be ignored [M::hk_map_read] read 7168095 pairs [E::hk_sd_ploidy_XY] multiple chr contain 'X' or 'Y' in names

I always have this issue with pairs files obtained using mm10, but using hg38 or 19 will not result in such errors? Can we add wechat for further conversation,my wechat:Nizenmebujiedianhua