tanmayb123 / AskTanmay-NLQA-System-

AskTanmay (codename: TanmayQA) is an open-source NLQA (Natural Language Question-Answering) system, developed by Tanmay Bakshi (TajyMany).
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CAG Migration from Python to Swift #8

Open tanmayb123 opened 7 years ago

tanmayb123 commented 7 years ago

Migrate CAG (Candidate Answer Generation, or N-gram Mining) to Swift.

tanmayb123 commented 7 years ago

Consider skipping CAG entirely: (current): [SERSE]->[CAG]--(tokens and appearances)-->[CAFS] (future): [SERSE]->[AL]--(tokens)-->[Appearance Counter]->[CAFS (without NER/AL)]

eherson commented 7 years ago

Hi In your last version the CAG step is not working at all, This step is creating documents.txt , it is created but it is empty as a result the CAG step is failing and candanswers.txt is not even created, see attached file for more information CAG Bug Description.docx Is this an issue ? or maybe wrong parameters configuration. ? Thank you