tanmoy13 / Hospital-Management-System-ASP.net

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is it really working then please share db script #1

Open skshoeb26 opened 6 years ago

skshoeb26 commented 6 years ago

is it really working then please share db script

tanmoy13 commented 5 years ago

This worked fine for me. But now I have lost my db script. But I can provide you the database table info. There are 4 tables are required for this project. Their description is as below-

This table is used for storing user information who can book appointment

Table 1 name: signuplogin
Fields: username, password, email

This table is used to store doctors information whom are available in hospital

Table 2 name: Doctorinfo
Fields: id, Doctorsname, Qualification, Department, Specialization, Contact, ImageData

This talbe is used for website admins. You need to insert entity manually on this table from your database management system.

Table 3 name: admin
Fields: username, password

This table is used to store appointment information booked by user on the site.

Table 4 name: app
Fields: FirstName, LastName, Email, Nationality, Gender, Contact, Problem, Doctor

You can create tables and respective fields using the above information. Create tables and fields with the same name with considering case sensitivity for names. I think it will work fine for you also. And don't forget to change the database information from the Web.config file (in line no 29 and 30)-

<add name="mycon" connectionString="server=DESKTOP-SLN3MGD\SQLEXPRESS; Database = depression; User Id = 1307006; password = 122211;" />
    <add name="depressionConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=DESKTOP-SLN3MGD\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=depression;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=1307006;Password=122211"

And be careful with the name "mycon". Don't cahange it.