tanner87661 / IoTTStick

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Loconet interface (Build your own) #19

Closed ATrain80 closed 2 years ago

ATrain80 commented 2 years ago

According to your schematics for the Loconet communication board, I have created an adjusted one. Since I do need only the Loconet communication and no separate loconet. However I have forgotten to connect pins 2 and 5 of the loconet RJ45 connector. For that I have created a wire bridge between the pin 5 and RXD. But at my DCC command station Digikeijs DR5000 the Loconet led TX keeps active. And I don't seem to have any proper loconet communication between the command station and my breakout board. I do not receive any commands on ESP32, and commands from ESP32 don't end up at the command station.

Can you please help me out? Thanks.

This is my schematic: ESP32 loconet breakout board.pdf

tanner87661 commented 2 years ago

You pretty much rotated the connection lines. Please verify with the original schematics.


From: ATrain80 @.> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 6:42 PM To: tanner87661/IoTTStick @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: [tanner87661/IoTTStick] Loconet interface (Build your own) (Issue #19)

According to your schematics for the Loconet communication board, I have created an adjusted one. Since I do need only the Loconet communication and no separate loconet. However I have forgotten to connect pins 2 and 5 of the loconet RJ45 connector. For that I have created a wire bridge between the pin 5 and RXD. But at my DCC command station Digikeijs DR5000 the Loconet led TX keeps active. And I don't seem to have any proper loconet communication between the command station and my breakout board. I do not receive any commands on ESP32, and commands from ESP32 don't end up at the command station.

Can you please help me out? Thanks.

This is my schematic: ESP32 loconet breakout board.pdf https://github.com/tanner87661/IoTTStick/files/8257648/ESP32.loconet.breakout.board.pdf

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ATrain80 commented 2 years ago

Thanks alot, I see what went wrong. The grove connector pin numbers are not the same as on your schematics. Pin 1 is pin 4, Pin 2 is pin 3 and vice versa. That explains the rotation of connection lines.

I will create a GND connection for pin 2 and 5, and connect my module correctly to the ESP32. Will give an update if it solves the issues.

ATrain80 commented 2 years ago

Rewired the ESP32 to the Loconet PCB and connected the ground to pins 2 and 5 of the RJ45. Tried again Today, first data was not received correctly. But I have changed the UART speed in the library from 9600 to 16667. And it is working fine now. Thanks alot.