tanner87661 / IoTTStick

This is the support repository for the IoTT Stick, port modules and hat devices
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Purple hat track measuring display not working. #56

Open Rosscoetrain opened 4 months ago

Rosscoetrain commented 4 months ago

Browser: Chromium Version 122.0.6261.57 OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

IOTT stick firmware: Version 1.6.5

When I access the Purple hat tab I first get the following error:

PurpleHat.js:770 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'RGBVal') at loadDataFields (PurpleHat.js:770:72) at ws.onmessage (pageloader.js:645:5)

If I then switch to Track Data and "Track Measuring Data" or "Measurement Data" and click Start I get the following error:

SpeedDisp.js:62 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'LineGraphs') at clearLineGraphData (SpeedDisp.js:62:32) at clearAllGraphData (SpeedDisp.js:68:2) at measureSpeed (PurpleHat.js:950:3) at startMeasuring (PurpleHat.js:941:4) at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (PurpleHat.htm:1:1)

Tried different browsers, etc same result.

Cheers Ross