tannerjt / AGStoShapefile

Convert ArcGIS Server Dynamic Map Service to GeoJSON and Shapefile
MIT License
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error code 500? #34

Open Revo86 opened 7 years ago

Revo86 commented 7 years ago

info: code=500, message=Error performing query operation, details=[]

/home/fsadmin/AGStoShapefile-master/AGStoSHP.js:63 throw err; ^ [object Object]

services.txt: https://kataster.skgeodesy.sk/eskn/rest/services/VRM/parcels_e_view/MapServer/1|test

flibbertigibbet commented 7 years ago

This is reproducible, at least for me, and happens at the same point in processing.

info: query -> 2447500 out of 2447568
info:  code=500, message=Error performing query operation, details=[]

                throw err;
[object Object]

Was using ~10% available memory at the time, so probably not an issue with memory pressure.