Even in I am not familiar with node and Javascript, I have tried to investigate the cause, that should relies in the index script, where the following query is passed to the server:
If i pass directly the query in the online interface of the web server, without using AGStoShapefile, it gives me the same 502 error! I think i need to modify some parts of the code to overcome this issue, but don't know where to start.
Can you, or someone else who is familar with that stuff, help me?
Hello Joshua, I am new in the field and I am getting some trouble using your code for a problem, i think, related to the server. Indeed, I have tried to run AGS to get a layer from this REST service: " https://map.sitr.regione.sicilia.it/gis/rest/services/catasto/cartografia_catastale/MapServer/4 " Obtaining the canonical 502 error.
Even in I am not familiar with node and Javascript, I have tried to investigate the cause, that should relies in the index script, where the following query is passed to the server:
var reqQS = { where: '1=1', returnIdsOnly: true, f: 'json' };
If i pass directly the query in the online interface of the web server, without using AGStoShapefile, it gives me the same 502 error! I think i need to modify some parts of the code to overcome this issue, but don't know where to start. Can you, or someone else who is familar with that stuff, help me? Best, Daniele.