tansengming / stripe-rails

A Rails Engine for integrating with Stripe
MIT License
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rake stripe:verify is failing due to changes in Stripe API #169

Closed antomus closed 4 years ago

antomus commented 4 years ago

rake stripe:verify Invoke stripe:verify (first_time) Invoke environment (first_time) Execute environment Execute stripe:verify rake aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method all' for Stripe::Plan:Class /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.5/gems/stripe-rails-1.9.0/lib/stripe/rails/tasks.rake:5:inblock (2 levels) in <top (required)>' /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.5/gems/rake-13.0.0/exe/rake:27:in <top (required)>' /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.5/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:ineval' /home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.5/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `

' Tasks: TOP => stripe:verify (See full trace by running task with --trace)

Please change Stripe::Plan.all to Stripe::Plan.list

tansengming commented 4 years ago

Hi @antomus thanks for reporting this. It'll get fixed on https://github.com/tansengming/stripe-rails/pull/167

tansengming commented 4 years ago

this just got released https://github.com/tansengming/stripe-rails/releases/tag/1.9.1