tansengming / stripe-rails

A Rails Engine for integrating with Stripe
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Add Prices as configuration objects #199

Closed jamesprior closed 3 years ago

jamesprior commented 3 years ago

It looked to me like Stripe recommended using Prices instead of Plans (although they are backwards compatible). To help me follow along with the stripe documentation and match things up easier I added a Price configuration object to stripe-rails.

tansengming commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all the work you've put into this @jamesprior ! Give me a few more days to get through it, reviewing this is going take more time than usual =)

jamesprior commented 3 years ago

Absolutely! I'm never completely confident and just happy to have some extra double checks on things.

tansengming commented 3 years ago

It looks like you've extracted the options for the recurring hash into attr_accessor so that instead of

Stripe.price :lite do |price|
  price.name = 'Acme as a service LITE'
  price.unit_amount = 699
  price.currency = 'usd'

  price.recurring = {
    interval = 'month',
    interval_count = 3

folks will do this instead:

Stripe.price :lite do |price|
  price.name = 'Acme as a service LITE'
  price.unit_amount = 699
  price.currency = 'usd'

  price.interval = 'month'
  price.interval_count = 3

I think it's more obvious to pass a hash to recurring (like the first example) to match the docs at https://stripe.com/docs/api/prices/create

Is there a reason why you chose to flatten it out?

Sidenote: it also looks like attr_accessor :recurring does nothing the way it is written right now since the recurring that is passed to stripe is really recurring_options

jamesprior commented 3 years ago

I think the thought there was to make it function more like the product_data than the transform_quantity, and it kept the price interface pretty similar to the older plan interface. There's a lot of validations around those options too.

The latest version moves those to a hash, it's a bit hamfisted in how it keeps the validations going so all ears on feedback - good direction to continue in? What are the expected validations?

tansengming commented 3 years ago

The latest version moves those to a hash, it's a bit hamfisted in how it keeps the validations going so all ears on feedback - good direction to continue in?

I think it's great! Thanks for the work so far. I'm happy for you to finish it up.

What are the expected validations?

I think it's fair to just inherit the ones from products, like what you're doing here. Other folks can keep adding more validations later if they'd like.

jamesprior commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the review! I added in support for interval_count and tests for it. I think that's everything missing but I'm happy for any review and feedback you've got.