tantale / deprecated

Python @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.
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Packaging deprecated into Fedora #11

Closed phracek closed 4 years ago

phracek commented 5 years ago

It looks like this project is not packaged in Fedora. Do you plan to package it into Fedora? Do you think it would be possible to add Fedora RPM spec file into this repository?

We have a project https://packit.dev/, which would automate it a bit once here is a configuration file .packit.yaml What do you think about it?

I would be glad for any kind of response.

phracek commented 5 years ago

PyGithub project depends on deprecated. It blocks releasing new PyGithub version into Fedora https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1595244#c14

tantale commented 5 years ago

Great idea!

I have absolutely no idea on how to package the Deprecated Library in Fedora (or other OS). You may explain that to me. Just give some pointers on resources or tutorials.

You can create a pull request to add the Packit configuration file. But you’ll need to wait for the next release of this library.

I’m currently on Holliday. So, not really available for an important update.

phracek commented 5 years ago

Here is package review request to Fedora for python-Deprecated (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1733508).

I will care about it. Once the review is done, I will create a PR into your upstream repository to onboard packit

tantale commented 5 years ago

The review request is about Deprecated v1.2.6. I can add the .packit.yaml file only in the next version (v1.2.7). Is it a problem?

phracek commented 5 years ago

Of course not. .packit.yaml does not depend on the version. It is enough to be present in the upstream repository. I will let you know later on more details.

By the way thanks for collaboration.