tanzfisch / Igor

Igor Game Engine
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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minor issue with tree print in console #348

Closed tanzfisch closed 11 months ago

tanzfisch commented 11 months ago

sometimes the transform node breaks the vertical lines

 +-- "all objects heading" id:9 (active)
 | | type:iNodeTransform kind:Transformation
 | | /      1.00       0.00       0.00       0.00\
 | | |      0.00       1.00       0.00       0.00|
 | | |      0.00       0.00       1.00       0.00|
 | | \      0.00       0.00       0.00       1.00/
 | |
 | +-- "all objects pitch" id:10 (active)
 |   | type:iNodeTransform kind:Transformation
 |   | /      1.00       0.00       0.00       0.00\
 |   | |      0.00       1.00       0.00       0.00|
 |   | |      0.00       0.00       1.00       0.00|
 |   | \      0.00       0.00       0.00       1.00/
 |   |
 |   +-- "iNodeSwitch" id:17 (active)
 |   | | type:iNodeSwitch kind:Node
 |   | |
 |   | +-- "crate transform" id:15 (active)
 |   |   | type:iNodeTransform kind:Transformation
 |   |   | /      1.00       0.00       0.00       1.00\
 |   |   | |      0.00       1.00       0.00      -0.50|
 |   |   | |      0.00       0.00       1.00       0.00|
 |   |   | \      0.00       0.00       0.00       1.00/
 |   |   |
 |   |   +-- "iNodeModel" id:16 (active)
 |   |     | type:iNodeModel kind:Node
 |   |     | model:0x98861236315ccdf1, "example_model_crate" loaded:true ready:true nodeID:31
 |   |     |
 |   |     +-- "crate" id:33 (active)
 |   |         type:iNodeMesh kind:Volume
 |   |         vtx:36 tri:12 idx:36 texUni:1 texCrd:1
 |   |         material:0xa90e770c3809190b, "igor_material_default_textured"
 |   | |
 |   | +-- "teapot transform" id:13 (inactive)
 |   | | | type:iNodeTransform kind:Transformation
 |   | | | /      0.33       0.00       0.00       1.00\
 |   | | | |      0.00       0.33       0.00      -1.00|
 |   | | | |      0.00       0.00       0.33       0.00|
 |   | | | \      0.00       0.00       0.00       1.00/
 |   | | |
 |   | | +-- "iNodeModel" id:14 (active)
 |   | |   | type:iNodeModel kind:Node
 |   | |   | model:0x0d930cfa6f049a1c, "example_model_teapot" loaded:true ready:true nodeID:30
 |   | |   |
 |   | |   +-- "teapot" id:34 (active)
 |   | |       type:iNodeMesh kind:Volume
 |   | |       vtx:3241 tri:6320 idx:18960 texUni:0 texCrd:0
 |   | |       material:0x2bf655d89b8d9b00, "igor/materials/default.mat"
 |   | |
 |   | +-- "cat transform" id:11 (inactive)
 |   |   | type:iNodeTransform kind:Transformation
 |   |   | /      1.00       0.00       0.00       1.00\
 |   |   | |      0.00       1.00       0.00      -1.00|
 |   |   | |      0.00       0.00       1.00       0.00|
 |   |   | \      0.00       0.00       0.00       1.00/
tanzfisch commented 11 months ago

Don't need this. That's what the tree view in Mica is for