tanzilahmedbd / Redmi-Note-8-pro

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freelancer bd financial services #3

Open tanzilahmedbd opened 8 months ago

tanzilahmedbd commented 8 months ago


tanzilahmedbd commented 8 months ago

freelanceerfinancialservice@bajajfinserv.network hrough Cookies and Similar Technology Online Advertising Information Sharing Our Commitment To Data Security Where Personal Information Is Used and Stored Our Commitment To Children's Privacy Accuracy of Personal Information and your Individual Rights How Long We Keep Your Personal Information Third Parties Updates to this Privacy Policy How To Contact Us Cookie Policy Our Commitment To Privacy Your privacy is important to us. To better protect your privacy we provide this notice explaining our information practices and the choices you can make about the way your Personal Information collected through our website (https://www.ana.net/) "Website"), content and advertising we publish on other websites, and our normal business activities and services we provide to our members and their employees (collectively, the "Service") is collected, used, and disclosed. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available in the footer of the Website.

When we refer to "Personal Information," we mean any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, or an online identifier.

The Information We Collect and Use Website and Event Sign Up. Website visitors may use the Website without submitting Personal Information. However, to access certain content and register for events, users will need to create an account or otherwise provide us with Personal Information. We request:

Name Job and company information Contact information, including mailing address, email address, and phone and fax numbers Event-related preferences, including dietary preferences We use the information you provide about yourself, such as to complete registrations, fulfill your information requests, and provide you with the products, services, and resources applicable to your membership standing. We share this information to the extent necessary to complete your registration, fulfill your request, and for the purposes of events.

From Others. We may receive information about you from your organization. We either create an account for you with this information or add this information to your account. On some Website pages, you can submit information about other people. For example, if you are registering a colleague for an ANA event, you will be asked for similar information concerning the registrant. We use the information you provide about another member when registering for an ANA event only to complete the registration and to confirm attendance. We share this information to the extent necessary to complete the registration and for the purposes of the event.

tanzilahmedbd commented 6 months ago

[Uploading city bank details .pdf…]()

tanzilahmedbd commented 6 months ago


[Uploading META-Q3-2023-Earnings-Call-Transcript (1).pdf…]()