tanzu-end-to-end / tko-workshop

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WIP TKO Demo Feedback #1

Closed mbentley closed 2 years ago

mbentley commented 2 years ago

@Boskey - Here are a few thoughts from what I see at the moment. Of course, everything is just a suggestion so take or leave anything. Or if there are some things you would like me to try, I am more than happy to try to submit a PR for some things:

Add a .gitignore

Include the following so these files don't get added (and remove them from the committed git changes):



It might be good to have a in window dashboard created for Tanzu Mission Control within the screen similar to how it is configured to create one for Harbor: https://github.com/tanzu-end-to-end/tko-workshop/blob/6ad62733bb893c11b8eb3b383182f8bc351f267e/workshop/content/setup-environment.md?plain=1#L7-L10

name: Harbor
url: https://harbor.{{ ingress_domain }}/harbor/projects/{{ harbor_project_id }}/repositories

As that would allow the user to walk through the steps in the upcoming sections without having to flip back and forth.  I normally don't love that sort of embedded window but with how many steps there are in the upcoming sections, it is hard to follow otherwise.  The same might be true for Tanzu Service Mesh and Tanzu Observability.  Of course, giving users the option of poping them out to their own windows would be fine too

## 01-developer-self-service.md

There might just be organizations who want different tiers of Operations where one tier is making design and architectural decisions and another is doing day to day operations.  Same tooling, different use case.  I think it is also important to address the use case of standardizing operational tasks in the case of developer self-service not being the goal.  I would maybe even rename this section to something higher level thinking than self-service, for example, `Standardized Cluster Provisioning`.  Then you could have `Developer Self Service` and `Efficient Cluster Operations` or something like that for the two similar use cases for the different personas.

Provision Kubernetes Clusters via Tanzu Kubernetes Grid - It might be worth mentioning that we are building upon the upstream Cluster API project or maybe even include a diagram like this:

![screenshot 2021-11-04 at 2 22 16 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/414445/140404134-2894c324-eff0-4e73-8df0-6c0461d8c7c0.jpg)
(source: https://onevmw-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/r/personal/mbentley_vmware_com/Documents/custom_decks/Tanzu%20Introduction%20-%20Accenture.pptx?d=w1f9ccaa929c14edfb2721ad80cf3ae64&csf=1&web=1&e=PfKs40&nav=eyJzSWQiOjE5NjAyMjYzMjMsImNJZCI6Mjk5NTM1MzYzOH0)

Suggestion - for screen shots, use the browser Zoom function to make the text larger or make your window smaller as it is difficult to see detail, even when clicking on the screen shots (workshop/content/images/aws-cluster-create.png).  The Policies screen shot is easier to see might it might even be better if it is not as wide but it is much easier to read than the create cluster one.

## 02-implement-policy.md

The name of this section is a bit wordy as "Implement Access, Security, Quota and Backup Policies".  It might be better to simplify it as something like "Implement Cluster Policies".

For some of the tasks, there are a number of steps which can be a bit complex.  It might be easier to consume if some of the bullets are broken down into individual steps or even in numbered steps so it is easier to keep track of where you are in the process.  Some additional screen shots of specific parts of the UI could help break it apart as well.

## 03-enterprise-observability.md

It might be helpful if we could break down the Enterprise observability section into personas focused views of what each would care about for the developer/app owner wanting to see details about their apps and then the Container platform operator who is troubleshooting problems that could span the IaaS, CaaS, and application layers.  Details of what I should be seeing from a value perspective would also help to realize the value being shown.
mbentley commented 2 years ago

I went back through the workshop just now to check a bit more in depth and get a feel for the overall flow. I stopped mentioning smaller typos as it would be easier to just submit a PR for some of those.

1: Workshop Overview

2: Setup Environment

4: Implement Access, Security, Quota and Backup Policies

5: Enterprise Observability

6: Upgrades and Backup

7: Demo Summary

mbentley commented 2 years ago

I believe between the two of us, we have addressed or discussed all of the feedback.