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Get rid of common. #56

Open taoeffect opened 9 years ago

taoeffect commented 9 years ago

As discussed and explained in #18, we need to modularize all of the services provided into individual roles that can be, at the user's discretion, commented out and not run. HT to @PiPeep for suggesting this approach.

So that implies we must get rid of the common role completely and split all of its services out into separate roles.

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pkirkovsky commented 9 years ago

What's the plan for moving stuff out of common and into separate modules? I'd love to help with this effort but I'm not sure where to start.

bgw commented 9 years ago

@pkirkovsky, pretty much anything that's separated into a different task file in the common role could become a role of it's own. Good things to start with would probably be mariadb and the security (which is really just intrustion-detection) stuff. I'd recommend splitting off one thing at a time.

Other parts, like user setup and ssl might be a bit more iffy. We might want to think more carefully about how roles declare dependencies.

taoeffect commented 9 years ago

Yeah, there's that, and:

Pretty much just have a look through the structure of the ansible files, the open issues, the various labels, and then take something and let us know that you're working on it so that we don't duplicate effort.

Thanks for offering to help out @pkirkovsky! :smile: :+1:

taoeffect commented 9 years ago

@pkirkovsky As far as this issue is concerned, the comments here should help provide some guidance.