taoensso / carmine

Redis client + message queue for Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Connection pool documentation -- :none vs {} #217

Closed crclark closed 5 years ago

crclark commented 5 years ago

The README states

A simple example spec with no pool and one server using redistogo.com would be: (def server1-conn {:pool {} :spec {:uri \"redis://redistogo:pass@panga.redistogo.com:9475/\"}})

but the docs for wcar say

A :none pool can be used to skip connection pooling (not recommended).

From my reading of the code, it seems that the README is wrong and the wcar docs are correct. Passing {} for :pool seems to create a pool with default settings, right?

I was also confused as to how the pool would get reused if I'm just passing in a map of options, but I see that conn-pool is memoized. This might be worth mentioning in the docs for wcar or conn-pool.

ptaoussanis commented 5 years ago

README has a typo, will correct shortly- thanks for the report!