taoensso / faraday

Amazon DynamoDB client for Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
238 stars 84 forks source link

Update deps and drop Clojure 1.5.1 and 1.6 support #164

Closed joelittlejohn closed 1 year ago

joelittlejohn commented 1 year ago
bitti commented 1 year ago

Will this result in a release soon? The AWS SDK before version 1.12.261 is already flagged with an CVE: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-31159.

roberttaylor426 commented 1 year ago

Hiya @kipz, just a gentle nudge on the above. Is a new release a possibility soon?


joelittlejohn commented 1 year ago

@roberttaylor426 let's do it!