taoensso / nippy

The fastest serialization library for Clojure
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Bump encore to 3.49 to avoid "Insufficient com.taoensso/encore version" error in timbre #155

Closed aneilbaboo closed 11 months ago

aneilbaboo commented 1 year ago

Including the latest version of nippy before the latest version of timbre results in getting encore 3.23.0, which is too low a version for timbre.

You can see the problem by starting a repl for the following project and attempt to require timbre:

(defproject encore-test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url "http://example.com/FIXME"
  :license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
            :url "https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/"}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
                 [com.taoensso/nippy "3.2.0"]
                 [com.taoensso/timbre "6.1.0"]]
  :repl-options {:init-ns encore-test.core})
$ lein repl

encore-test.core=> (require 'taoensso.timbre)
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at taoensso.encore/assert-min-encore-version (encore.cljc:1175).
Insufficient `com.taoensso/encore` version, you may have a dependency conflict: see http://goo.gl/qBbLvC for solutions.

Proposed solution: Bump the minimum version of encore to 3.49.0

aneilbaboo commented 1 year ago

Note: this problem only occurs when nippy appears in the dependency list before timbre, which seems like a Leiningen issue, but since the fix is so easy, I thought I'd submit here.

ptaoussanis commented 1 year ago

@aneilbaboo Hi Aneil, thanks for checking in on this.

I always bump to the latest Encore version whenever cutting a new library release, will definitely do the same when the next version of Nippy is out πŸ‘

In the meantime, you can work around the conflict by following the instructions at http://goo.gl/qBbLvC.

Hope that helps! Cheers :-)

aneilbaboo commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Peter.

Also πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ for all of these incredible libraries you've made available.

ptaoussanis commented 1 year ago

You're very welcome, thanks for saying so :-) Cheers! Will keep this issue open till the Encore dependency is updated.

ptaoussanis commented 11 months ago

Closing, will be address in next update.