Open jpmonettas opened 2 weeks ago
Hi Juan, you're very welcome- thanks for saying so!
It looks like the problem in this case can be reduced to a simpler example:
(deftype MyType1 [o])
(thaw (freeze (MyType1. nil))) ; Succeeds
(deftype MyType2 [^:unsynchronized-mutable o])
(thaw (freeze (MyType2. nil))) ; Fails (NoSuchFieldException "o")
I.e. it looks like the current freeze implementation for IType
s doesn't support ^:unsynchronized-mutable
Will dig a little further now...
Nice, thanks!
I'm experimenting with Nippy and trying to save/restore FlowStorm recordings into files, which contains pointers to whatever the user has recorded. So I'm trying to see how it behaves with different kinds of objects and how to catch things that can't be serialized.
So on first inspection, it looks like ^:unsynchronized-mutable
causes deftype fields to be stored separately from standard fields.
The problem seems to already be apparent here:
(.-o (MyType1. :foo)) ; => :foo
(.-o (MyType2. :foo)) ; => Throws (No matching field found)
This starts going pretty deeply into the bowels of Clojure implementation details, but my first guess from the fact that .-o
access fails is that these fields might actually not be intended to be readable from outside the deftype methods?
Yeah, you are right, I think here is the code that makes mutables private
Also if you decompile both you get for the immutable one :
(deftype T [o])
public final class T implements IType
public final Object o;
while the one with mutable field gives you :
(deftype TM [^:unsynchronized-mutable o])
public final class TT implements IType
Object o;
Ah, nice find 👍 I poked around trying to look for the relevant code but wasn't successful.
So it basically looks like you'll need to export the internal unsychronized state if you want to serialize it. Hopefully that's not a problem?
Separately - I'm not sure if your initial question re: freezing self-referencing objects is still independently relevant? I don't know how something like that might behave (or what an example would look like)- so would basically need to try it and see what happens ^^
If you do have another example that fails, please feel free to share and I'll happily take a look.
Sure, I'm just trying to see what kinds of objects are serializable by Nippy and how freeze behaves in different cases were they are not. Trying to figure out what I can do in those cases. Since I'll be serializing random objects not under my control it needs to handle every case. The self referencing thing was just an example of objects graphs with cycles.
Also tried this self referencing object and seams to be working fine, but not sure what this content is about 🤔 :
(def a (ArrayList.))
(.add a a)
(nippy/thaw (nippy/freeze a))
{:type :serializable,
:cause :quarantined,
:class-name "java.util.ArrayList",
[-84, -19, 0, 5, 115, 114, 0, 19, 106, 97, 118, 97, 46, 117,
116, 105, 108, 46, 65, 114, 114, 97, 121, 76, 105, 115,
116, 120, -127, -46, 29, -103, -57, 97, -99, 3, 0, 1, 73,
0, 4, 115, 105, 122, 101, 120, 112, 0, 0, 0, ...]}}
(-> (nippy/thaw (nippy/freeze a)) :nippy/unthawable :content count)
Also interesting these seams to be serializable with Java serialization system :
(def a (ArrayList.))
(.add a a)
(def java-ser-file "./java-ser-bytes")
(with-open [oos (ObjectOutputStream. (FileOutputStream. java-ser-file))]
(.writeObject oos a)
(.flush oos))
(def data-in (with-open [ois (ObjectInputStream. (FileInputStream. java-ser-file))]
(.readObject ois)))
(type data-in) ;; => java.util.ArrayList
(type (first data-in)) ;; => java.util.ArrayList
Hi Peter! Thanks for your amazing tooling and documentation!
I was trying Nippy freeze on a self referencing object like this :
What is the correct way of handling this kind of unfreezable objects?