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Telemere: improved OpenTelemetry interop #16

Open ptaoussanis opened 1 month ago

ptaoussanis commented 1 month ago

Task: Look for opportunities to improve Telemere's OpenTelemetry support - incl. first-class conveyance of Telemere's trace info, etc.

Motivation: Telemere already supports basic interop with OpenTelemetry via its OpenTelemetry logging handler, but there's probably further opportunities to convey more information (notably Telemere spans) to OpenTelemetry in a way that better allows it to digest this info.

Pointers to relevant docs, etc. would be helpful if you have them!

robert-stuttaford commented 1 month ago

Watching Telemere with keen interest :-D We use Timbre for logging today, and have big plans to make use of Honeycomb in our next arc of observability work (we use https://github.com/steffan-westcott/clj-otel for our experiments at the moment).

Telemere looks like it would fit very neatly into our plans!

duzunov commented 1 month ago

I would be very happy to test OTel support in Telemere

emowcee commented 1 month ago

Really interested to see where the otel thread is leading! Following