taoensso / timbre

Pure Clojure/Script logging library
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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No logging output with timbre 4.10.0 and recent com.teoensso/encore versions #313

Closed jsyrjala closed 3 years ago

jsyrjala commented 3 years ago

I have a project that uses timbre 4.10.0 to log. It used to have [com.taoensso/encore "2.122.0"] and everything worked, logging output came to stdout. Upgrading com.taoensso/encore library to 2.125.0 or 2.150.1 makes the output disappear.

Effect of com.taoensso/encore versions:

There is no output from stuff directly logged to timbre (timbre/info "...") and there is no output from various Java libraries that use slf4j and various slf4j bridges.

Here are logging related bits from lein deps :tree

   [com.fzakaria/slf4j-timbre "0.3.19" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
   [com.taoensso/timbre "4.10.0" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
     [io.aviso/pretty "0.1.33"]
 [com.taoensso/encore "2.125.1" :exclusions [[log4j] [commons-logging]]]
   [com.taoensso/truss "1.5.0"]
   [org.clojure/tools.reader "1.3.3"]
   [org.clojure/tools.logging "1.1.0" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
   [org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j "1.7.30" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
   [org.slf4j/jul-to-slf4j "1.7.30" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
   [org.slf4j/log4j-over-slf4j "1.7.30" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
   [org.slf4j/slf4j-api "1.7.30" :exclusions [[commons-logging]]]
   [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-1.2-api "2.13.3" :exclusions [[log4j] [commons-logging]]]
   [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-api "2.13.3" :exclusions [[log4j] [commons-logging]]]
   [org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-core "2.13.3" :exclusions [[log4j] [commons-logging]]]
ptaoussanis commented 3 years ago

Hi @jsyrjala, thanks again for the report- apologies for the trouble!

Effect of com.taoensso/encore versions

This was very helpful, thank you!

I'm investigating now. In the meantime you might be able to help speed the investigation if you're able to share whether you're using any namespace filters (runtime or compile time?) - and what they are.

ptaoussanis commented 3 years ago

No need for additional info, spotted the problem.

ptaoussanis commented 3 years ago

Should be addressed with [com.taoensso/encore "2.125.2"], now on Clojars - but will also do some additional testing later today, and hoping to cut a new release of TImbre later this weekend.

jsyrjala commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I tested[com.taoensso/encore "2.125.2"] and it works.

ptaoussanis commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation 👍