taoensso / tower

i18n & L10n library for Clojure/Script
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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timbre/logp not found #67

Closed noncom closed 8 years ago

noncom commented 8 years ago

Using tower 3.0.2 I get the error that timbre/logp is not found because some other library is using timbre 4.1.1 and this version of tower is using timbre 3.4.0. Even when I specify timbre 3.4.0, it says No such var: encore/cond!, compiling:(taoensso/tower.clj:371:4) which I did not investigate further, but that effectively prevents me from using tower.

ptaoussanis commented 8 years ago

Hi Alex, sounds like you have a dependency conflict - you can use lein deps :tree to find the conflicting deps. Please see here for details.

Does that help?

kevindragon commented 8 years ago

I am also come with same problem.

[com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.1"] [com.taoensso/encore "2.4.2"] [io.aviso/pretty "0.1.18"] [com.taoensso/tower "3.0.2"]

ptaoussanis commented 8 years ago

Ah, my apologies - logp was removed from Timbre v4 (it was deprecated in v3) and you must be using some code that's still relying on it.

I've just pushed [com.taoensso/timbre "4.1.2"] which adds logp back. Just make sure you're using that and a recent version of Encore (latest is 2.18.0), and you should be good to go :-)

noncom commented 8 years ago

Wow, guys, you were so fast! Cool :)