Open lab-gpu opened 3 years ago
Just supress a little noise in the background.Theses noise may not influence the result of crowd counting.Pred_map is so pretty good that the TE Module play a trivial module
受不了了,说中文吧,你看第一张图片,预测到pred_map其实绝大部分,在目标区域已经是1,背景区域已经是0了,这是因为pred_map训练的时候,已经和mask_gt做了训练,那么训练出来的pred_map其实和mask_gt已经很接近了,我觉得通过TE(Threshold Encoder)模块,抑制掉的背景,其实真真真很少啊,不过可能这就是最后精度提升的原因吧
Thanks for the author's work.Great work!!!!! 1:Working so hard to train the Threshold Encoder which aim is to seperate the pred_map(the output of the network) to 1 or 0, but there is little differences between the pred_map after processed by the Threshold Encoder and the pred_map without processed by the Threshold Encoder.Details can look at the picture