taoneill / war

War - Minecraft TDM & CTF for Bukkit
MIT License
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A weapons upgrade system #383

Open grinning opened 12 years ago

grinning commented 12 years ago

Suggested by properinglish. Posted by grinning. A weapons upgrade system so the more you play teh more powerful your weapons can become.

LeoVerto commented 12 years ago

This is kinda like a skill system, but it can be quite unfair and actually the players who just joined should be a little 'newbie advantage'

tehbeard commented 12 years ago

Perhaps something in a similar vain to LoL? (in a warzone you level up for that match by getting kills etc) with perhaps an option of persistence to add above that?

grinning commented 12 years ago

Look at my fork of tom's code. I have added killstreaks.