Open xNul opened 12 years ago
Just step outside the warzone (don't stand in the existing lobby either).
Now use "/setzonelobby zone-name" while facing in the direction of your choosing.
You have now "detached" the lobby from your warzone. :)
Tom, Check your damn email... You check github more it seems
It worked! The people on my server will be very excited to hear about this, Thank You so much!
I greatly appreciate the time you take to keep this mod running, but I have come across a little problem that I would like to discuss. This is very simple I want to be able to not only make the Lobby in North South East or West, but I want to change the heights at which they appear and as I'm writing this I'm wondering can we also add the Lobby under or over the ctf map to give the joining players an amazing view of the action? I really enjoy your plugin and believe it is the best ctf plugin for minecraft, I would very much appreciate you taking in this consideration.
Thank you so much, Nabakin