taosdata / TDengine

High-performance, scalable time-series database designed for Industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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After Tdengine is upgraded from to, an error is reported in the original correct query SQL statement. Parser internal error #28461

Open lionMonkey opened 1 month ago

lionMonkey commented 1 month ago

Bug Description After Tdengine is upgraded from to, an error is reported in the original correct query SQL statement. The SQL syntax is correct,The error message is displayed: Parser internal error

To Reproduce

  1. super table: CREATE STABLEenergy_data(collect_date_timeTIMESTAMP ENCODE 'delta-i' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium',collect_valueDOUBLE ENCODE 'delta-d' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium',e_valueDOUBLE ENCODE 'delta-d' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium',repair_numberSMALLINT ENCODE 'simple8b' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium',is_checkBOOL ENCODE 'bit-packing' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium',is_supplementBOOL ENCODE 'bit-packing' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium',tsBIGINT ENCODE 'simple8b' COMPRESS 'lz4' LEVEL 'medium') TAGS (device_idNCHAR(36),project_idNCHAR(36))
  2. An error is reported in the SQL statement: select groupId,start_time,end_time,device_id,sum(value) asvaluefrom( select 1297874473749565440 as groupId,_wstart as start_time,_wend as end_time,device_id, sum( CASE WHEN ts>=0 and ts < 12600000 THEN e_value * '2.0000000000' WHEN ts>=12600000 and ts < 41400000 THEN e_value * '3.0000000000' WHEN ts>=41400000 and ts < 57540000 THEN e_value * '4.0000000000' WHEN ts>=57600000 and ts < 68400000 THEN e_value * '1.0000000000' WHEN ts>=68400000 and ts < 86340000 THEN e_value * '2.0000000000' ELSE 0 end) asvalue from taiot.energy_data where (collect_date_time >= 1727712000000 and collect_date_time < 1730390400000 ) and e_value is not null and project_id = '1295391763945324544' and device_id in ('szsb1') partition by device_id interval(1n) ) as t1 group by groupId,start_time,end_time,device_id;

Expected Behavior Correct query

Environment (please complete the following information):

yu285 commented 3 weeks ago

this SQL works well in ?